The World Time Has Forgotten



Everything is exactly where FuSoYa’s document said it should be, KiNa mindspoke to ShiKon.

They were in a less-than-ideal position, crammed into a tiny vent shaft that led them directly into the containment area for the Manor’s power supply crystals. The boy could see the glittering light on the other side of the wall plating as his melting device worked to cut a hole through the metal. The size of it was daunting and he began to have doubts.

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“Do you have any idea where you’re going?” ShiKon asked him, crossing her arms from behind.

“Somewhat,” KiNa answered, distantly. He was concentrating on the identification panel next to the door. The further they’d infiltrated inside the Manor, the more technologically advanced the internal systems became.

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Just as KiNa brandished his dagger at the creature on the other end of the room, ShiKon fell almost faint at his side. It took him a moment to realize that he was now facing this fight on his own. His dagger hand began to shake as he grabbed the girl with his other, trying to rouse her into action.

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“KiNa? ShiKon?” SoYa rapped at the door with his open palm, trying to get someone’s attention from the other side.

What are they thinking, locking me in here? What’s going on?

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ShiKon thought that KiNa was dead for certain.

It’s all my fault!  

He attacked the black-eyed monster to protect her. He drew the creature’s attention when she was cornered and stunned. She saw him fly across the room. She saw his robes shredded and dark with blood. She saw him fall and the creature loom above him.

Then the guardian of light came and saved them both.

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