The World Time Has Forgotten



Flying came to him naturally, a motion wrapped in instinct. The feeling of the air streaming through his feathers, his wings tilting with the winds. Body stretching, spread eagle as he lifted higher. It was the impossible memory that came to SoYa in his dreams.

This was a dream. Of course, he knew that. He was an Athrylith, a mind mage. That meant he was aware of the bits and pieces of living dreamscape that wove and condensed around him. Sometimes, he could even control them. Somewhat.

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“I’m glad this is what the Manor pays you to do,” the lofty tone sneered softly from over one of SoYa’s shoulders.

The mind mage turned with a furrowed brow, meeting the gaze of the familiar man. “Zemus? I was just…”

“Sleeping?” his lip curled upward with the permanent expression of distaste. The sharp green eyes analyzed SoYa from behind the glare of his glasses with the same regard a child might observe a specimen in a jar.

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