Links, Rings & Affiliates

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FFIV Resources

Legends of Localization

Who I Follow

My Neocities Profile

My Followers

Links of Yore

These were link exchanges from the 2004-2005 version of this website. Many of these pages no longer exist, but I've linked their sites through the Web Archive or Geocities Gallery.

Honored Links

The Crystal Haven-
Site dedicated to FF2/4 and FF3/6. Home of the CFF.

A great site that features several shrines, a library, fanart gallery and downloads from various games.

This is a pure fan site devoted to three games: Final Fantasy II & III and the Mega man games.

A really fun FFIV sprite-comic site created by my good friend Aa-chan!

Are you looking for a Cecil shrine? Finding them rare? Well look no further!

Komera Waddi's RPG & Interactive Stories-
Lots of fanfiction, including a whole series dealing with Final Fantasy IV.

Personal art and writing site of another net pal of mine, Kitzira. Make sure to stop in and check out her galleries... superb works!

Lady Besu's Cato Tree of Glee-
A site that features a lot of rare Final Fantasy IV official artwork.

Love Letter to Nobody-
A great Kain shrine created by my good friend Ry-chan!

Narcissistic Ninja-
An Edge shrine! Yep! All Edge fans click quickly!

A really interesting Japanese fan site by Subaru. Includes great information on the Japanese game and translation, and even has a good deal of info in English!

Includes a large network of information including the "Final Fantasy IV Chronicle" and "Paladin's RPG Chronicles". Check it out!

Searching for fan fics? Search no further!

Silent Shadows-
A site by a fellow FFIV fan Dawnshadow. Included her personal colletion of writing and an adorable Kain shrine.

A very beautiful FFIV site dedicated to taking a deeper look into the characters and game we all know and love.

Info Links

Check these places for more information/art/writing about FFIV and other RPG games!


Final Fantasy IV



Fun Links

All your base are belong to us...
Just how did this AYB fad begin? Find info, history, sightings and videos here.

bravenet hosting
Free guestbooks, message boards, and other CGI applications for your site.

The almighty of all Chocobo Web Sites!
Don't know what Engrish is? Or just looking for a good laugh? Check out this site!


You have been selected to recieve the Visual Beauty award for your network of sites, Wayrift is one of the most visually unique sites I have seen, and its simplicity mixed with graphics made by you with your own hands and comp is inspiring! Keep up the great work!


Ebony - Black Chocobo from Chocobo Country!


The original CSS and template for this page was created by Eggramen.