Darkstar End of the Story Game

By The Dragons of Darkstar

I inquired from the fine members of the Darkstar Mailing list just upon finishing Chapter the Ninth to send in their ideas.. of how they thought/want/hoped that the Darkstar story would end.. here is some of the things that I heard in return!

I thought it would be most interesting to see how close people could come in guessing the ending.. of course, there was much that was undisclosed at that point.

Thanks to everyone who joined in the "game"!!


All right I already told you some but I'll be completely serious about what I
think will happen. I hope what I think stinks because nothing I ever want
seems to happen...*maniac depressive* (JK)

~ Darkstar dies
~ Golbez is the one who kills her
~ Luccious guy in the afterlife gets that girl he likes...i feel sorry for the guy...you know he may not even be alive still...sorry I ramble
~ The elemental dragons keep their powers and they help Golbez kick some
Darkstar butt!
~ Most of the characters go back to their normal lives (in other words no
more of the main characters die...Opalene...)
~ The two happy new couples are: Edge and Rydia and Kain and Silver (I hope
you can write mushy stuff)
~ Edhan is still Rydia's apprentice
~ Lunarians get a happy little home
~ Nodd finds the Hummingways
~ Everything in the end is grand!


*Waves hands* Ooohhh, I wanna play! Sounds like fun, so here's my list of
ideas, mostly pretty conventional. Here we go!

1) Edge and Rydia will hook up and live happily ever after in Eblan. It has
to happen! He's been waiting so long for her. ^^

2) Kain will finally do something that makes him finally believe that he
has atoned for his sin, so he can be happy. Then he's gonna end up with

3) Silver will keep Kain's helmet forever just as an item of power over
him. Hehehe..

4) Joran will come to her senses and she and Ben will do the tearful
goodbye thing, and return to their Lunar planet. (I forgot what it was
called) Ben and Fu So Ya will make up and come to understandings and be

5) Cecil and Rosa will finally have a family. Hey, they've been married for
how long and still with no kids?? The throne needs an heir.

6) Cities will be rebuilt ..blah ..blah

7) The king and queen of summoned monsters will die or something, and Edhan
will take the throne.

8) The magical boxers will become a legend, much to Cecil's embarrassment.
They will be put on display for all to see as the savior of Mysidia.

9) Once the purpose of the mystical scroll is achieved, it will crumble to
dust, and disappear.

10) Maybe Golbez will bring Chase back to his home planet, because Chase
feels lonely on Earth anyway.

11) Palom and Porom begin their studying (or whatever) to become the next
Elders (Maybe "leaders" would be more appropriate) of Mysidia, because the
Elder would have wanted it that way.

12) Rhone will become a great protector of the underworld, like the King
Giott's prized knight, or something like that.

Hmm... can't really think of anymore, so that's that.


Oh yeah, for the ending of Darkstar:

Edge blurts out his feelings for Rydia and Rydia falls in love with him
all over again.

Silver finally sorts out her feelings between Deric, Kain, and Golbez!

Silver confesses her love to Kain .

But, not before Kain confesses to Silver.

They live happily, but not quietly, ever after.

Joran Darkstar is saved by Golbez's love for her and they live happily
ever after.

Palom and Porom finally are recognized for all their hard work.

Edward gets the guts to rule Damcyan by himself.

Edhan falls in love with Porom. And her to him. (Where did that come

Cecil saves the day by blasting all the bad guys to a far, far, far

Sparrow reveals all the secrets. (We wish!)

Chase is named Captain of the red wings.

Nodd is revealed as the
great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great... and so one,
grandchild of all hummingways, and that he really is from the future, but is
in the past to help them so that there is a future, but can't go back to the

Kain never gets his mask back.

Rydia releases Edhan from apprenticeship.

Wouldn't this be so funny if it was true?

Everything up there was has a chance of happening, but what I really want
is for Silver and Kain to have a wonderful ending! (SOOOOOOOO Romantic!)

Lady Lunar Phoenix:

Here's mine...
I want Golbez to stay on the Blue Planet.
So I can come and see him hehehehehehehhe
I want Cecil to keep helping Golbez to learn about life.
And that's it.


* Joran will cast some kind of Lunar magic, it will backfire, and she will sufur a fatal injury. Golbez will rush over to listen to her final words, and at last, both of them will finally admit that they love each other. She will repent for all her sins, and start to fade away, but Golbez, hysteric over the thought of losing his new found love, will somehow overcome that thing he has with White Magic, and will bring her back, with the combined help of Rosa, Cecil, Porom, and FuSoYa. (is that possible?)

*Chase does somthing mystic and strange with his till now undiscover "golden eye magic" and Opal finds out that she is alive again. They run off to play ball, or whatever it is they do.

*Kain manages to steal his helmet back from Silver, but he wakes up one night, and realizes she has taken ALL of his armor.

*Silver's crystal does something weird, and opens a time warp, which swallows her up, leaving a shard of crystal behind. Kain realizes how much he would miss her, and jumps after them. The two of them remain lost in time for an infinte amount of time (ha ha), completing quests, having adventures, defeating evil people, and genarally saving the world. Oh, and naturally spending so much time together gets them to admit their feelings for each other.

*Edge and Rydia will admit their feelings for......chinese food! Actually, Edge will think Rydia has been killed by a pack of evil PaleDims. In an Edge-like fury, he will kill all of them, then weep over the body of his love. However, Rydia will wake up from her unconsious state because she was only knocked out (but lots of blood was involved. Thats why Edge will think she's dead)

*Since I don't have any idea who Sygnus is, I'll say she is the spirit of Anna, Edward's lost love. Years ago, Anna became the guardian of earth to make sure the companions (cecil, rosa, rydia, edge, ect....) met each other at the appointed time, so they would ban together to fulfill a propechy, and save the world from Zemourus. However, the propechy is not yet over, and Anna's masters (much more powerful gods that mere mortals could imagine) have required her to return again to the blue planet. Because she fell in love with Edward the last time, she had desprately wanted to go back anyway. The point of this story is..... Sygnus (anna) has provided the companions with a way to defeat the ultimate evil (some mad god on a planet deep in the universe), and that is the elemental dragons (by the way, i think the last one should be rosa, cause she is always portrayed as being kind of passive). Now, she will come revisit the companions, warn them of the danger, and wisk them away on a quest to save not just the blue planet, but the entire universe! However, there are a lot more companions now, and all of them will be taken. I guess they will have to pick up Silver and Kain somewhere in the time space continum....

*wow, that was really long. sorry about that.


Well here's mine...

I'll skip here and there

1) Golbez is warped to the final showdown with Joran. She hurts him fatally not immediately realizing his love for her. Cecil is teleported to the battleground and kills Joran (or hurts her really, really bad) but Golbez in his last moment of life strikes a deadly blow to Cecil, in his rage only to hit Fu So Ya who tries to protect Cecil.

2) Golbez and Fu So Ya (and possible) Joran die or could be sent to that other place Eup.. Euphor.., you know what I mean.

3)Elemental Dragons.. Let's see.. I think the last one could be Golbez, heck it could be the twins as one being-I don't have a clue really. Anyway, they might, after the BIG battle, sleep until the next war or something, OR they may even sacrifice themselves for the ultimate evil. ..or something..

4)As for that troublesome crystal.. IF FuSoYa and Golbez and Joran get sent to that uh place them maybe Silver could go there since she does have a connection with the crystal, and be _happy_.

5) Edward learns to control his kingdom without the influence of extraterrestrials...

6)Rosa _remains_ faithful to Cecil. As it should be..

7) Kain could be the last dragon..yeah, Kain. I'll put my money on him.

8) Okay, I personally think Rydia and Edge should be together. I think I'm voicing for alot of people. They should stop beating around the bush and go for it. BUT if it was up to me everyone would be together and live happily everafter. Unfortunately that's not realistic. SO... I think that before going out and sacrificing themselves, Edge especially... *deep breath*... he leaves her with a child so there will be a heir to Eblan.. *that was a wild idea, no?*

9)The cute kitty (cat) vacations to the Moon but winds up staying.

10) Palom and Porom go back to Mysidia along with Chase who studies to be a great wizard.

11) Yang and Cid hang out.

I think that's it.


Well.... there are some things you need to resolve.


Who's Sygnus?

What happened to Joran on Mt. Vertigo?

What's withher tape recorder type thingy?

What the heck is a Darkstar anyway?

What happened to the scroll Palom and Porom broke the seal of.. (wait, is
that Cecil and Golbez are trying to interpret with their Lunar powers?)
Who's the fourth elemental dragon?

What the heck do the elemental dragons have to do with anything anyway?

What's in the package that FuSoYa gave to Cecil to give to Golbez in "Sunset"?

Who's Sparrow?

What does Euphoria have to do with Darkstar, besides the Salieah girl resembling a female version of Sygnus?

Is that why Sygnus always looks so sad?

Is he some future descendant of Cecil and Rosa, or some ancestor way back when, or not related to them at all?

What's with the gryphon in the part where Edge and Cecil try to rescue Rosa in Damcyan?

When will Chase's golden eyes have any effect on anything besides looking unbearably cute?

Will he become a great knight bested only by Kain and Cecil like semi-foreshadowed in the part that introduces Chase?

Will Golbez martyr himself and at last find peace?

Will we ever see another purple sunset in Baron?

What happened to Chase's magic ball?

Will Cid ever get his own scene, or will he be destined to remain a poorly developed character forever lurking in the background?

Where's Ebonytide?

Why's Nodd the only namingway?

What happened to Silver's family (I mean, like, in detail, not.. I ran away when she was 10, NOW SHUT UP!)

Why do they call her Silverlining?

Will she ever get that annoying crystal removed from her hand?

Will Rhone ever grow facial hair?

Hell, will Kain/Cecil/Golbez/Palom/Edge/Edward ever grow facial hair??

Will those Baron guards ever get more?

Will Silver ever give Kain his helmet back??

Okay.. I think that's all. NO PRESSURE, AYWREN..

Oh, and the fourth elemental dragon should be Edhan.

Wait. I think he already is. Scratch that. Wait, no he isn't. Hmm.. we
have Edge, Rhone and Deric so far.. okay. It'd be interesting if the 4th
elemental dragon was Rosa.... @_______@ No. It's probably .... wait.
Edge. Fire. Rhone... Earth. Deric..uh.. water? We need one of air. Kain.
Dragoon Kain. Kain Kain Kain Kain. Jump, Kain, jump! He needs a purpose
in life. He needs a girlfriend. He needs to stop living in Ben and
Cecil's shadows and make his life worth something, etc. Besides, it
seems odd that Sparrow would tell him that he needs to protect Sygnus
and you to draw a piccie of him if it weren't him. I know it's not Ben,
cuz he's too involved in other stuff to be a dragon. Not sure if girls
can be dragons... uh.. Cecil's not gonna be a dragon, because he's
Exploring Untapped Magic Potential. FuSoYa ain't gonna be a dragon, cuz
he's too old and is basically a Supporting Character. Same with Cid (Hee
hee.. if he were, he and the dragon of fire wouldn't get along well...).
Edhan ain't gonna be one, cuz we already have a dragon from the
underground and he's not your character. Chase might be (with a gold
thingy on his head??) but his purpose in the story is the eyes that see
the truth, and besides, I doubt such a cute little kid's gonna turn into
anything on a murderous rampage. Edward..... no. Edward's part in the
spotlight is over.. now he's just a supporting char. Kain Kain Kain Kain
Kain. Yeah.

Zekk R:

Here are my ideas for the ending:

1. I think Kain will be the fourth elemetal dragon beacause everyone else
alredy has an important part.

2. Golbez will find Incrytan and the two will "merge" or something.

3. Golbez's "merging" with Incrytan will make him the fifth and strongest
elemental dragon.

4. The elemental dragons, with help from the others, will find Darkstar and
use some super power they got from becoming dragons and pull Darkstar from
Joran's body.

5. They will then destroy Darkstar and a new age will come about (that's to
explain the "end of days" thing).

Well, those are my ideas. Thank you for your time *bows*