Master of the Night
By: Great Sorceress Blank

A symphony plays in the dark,
The music of evil resounds--
Hatred that knows no bounds
Is unleashed upon the world.

A lieutenant, the Hatred has,
Enemy of Light,
Master of the Night--
Golbez, son of Ya.

The Four Fiends,
Scattered across the land,
Ordered by an unseen hand--
The Master of the Night.

The Dragoon Kain,
Chained in darkness, evil still,
Controlled by one man's dark will--
The Master of the Night.

But the Master of the Night
Has a master of his own,
An evil that stands alone--
The Hatred of All That Is.

The Paladin won't fail,
Help rides in a Whale,
And the Master of the Night
Will soon return to Light.
