Chapter 4

"Now what?" Rydia asked, putting her little hands on her hips. She tapped her foot and bit her lip, surveying the situation. Cecil squatted down and rested his arms on his knees. They had been travelling through the Watery Pass for hours now. There had been a considerable amount of obstacles, ranging from total darkness to long, dripping, path-blocking stalagmites. The damp moisture seeped through the cracks in his armor and pooled on his skin. With a deep breath, the Dark Knight pulled his helmet off and brushed his hair from his eyes.

"Hmmm," he muttered, standing up again. They had exited the tunnel in which they had been travelling and ended up on ledge that stood high above the rest of the cave. He looked over the cliff. The site of a small lagoon met his gaze. Tall, sharp rocks jutted from the water’s surface in various places, suggesting that it wasn’t too deep. They couldn’t just jump in though. There had to be a good twenty-foot drop and there was no to tell what was in that water. His eyes followed the surface of the lagoon all the way to the other side of the cavern. There was a dark entrance to another tunnel across the dank estuary, but it too was at least twenty feet across. Cecil ran his hands through his dark hair and sighed. Rydia proceeded to plop down.

"Aye!" she cried. Cecil looked down at her with a slight smile. The childish frustration in her voice was amusing. "I don’t like this stinkin’ cave. All those stupid bats and all this water that’s drippin’ everywhere. Now this!"

Cecil decided that a few minutes of rest wouldn’t hurt him and he sat down beside her, placing his helmet by his side. Reaching into his satchel, he pulled out a little bottle of water. He took a drink and then offered some to Rydia. She held up her hand.

"Thanks, but no thanks, Cecil. All I have to do is lick the air and I can get all the water I need!" She wiped the sweat from her brow and looked at Cecil when she heard him laughing. "What?!"

"Sorry, I just found it funny that you said you were gonna lick the air."

"Well, phooey! There’s enough water floating around!" The Dark Knight chuckled and replaced the bottle in his satchel. He was about to shut it when suddenly a flash of heat and light whizzed by his head and hit the wall behind him. Cecil jerked violently and turned away from the explosion. He felt a spray of rocks spatter against his back.

"What the hell?!" With a grunt, the Dark Knight sprang to his feet. Rydia was also up and the two jumped into the darkness of the tunnel. Cecil felt his face to make sure his eyebrows had not been burned off by the close encounter. They were still there. With wild eyes, he looked out into the cavern for the source of their attack. There was nothing.

"Who’s there?!" the Dark Knight yelled, pushing the little girl behind him so she was out the way of harm. His voice bounced off the walls. He cocked his head in an attempt to listen for any response to his demand. Nothing. Rydia peeked around the corner of his leg.

"What’s going on?" Her voice was strong, although it trembled with slight fear. Cecil shook his head, still peering into clammy grotto. His eyes focused on the dark entrance on the other side of the cave. It had to have come from there. Silence was Cecil and Rydia’s only enemy as they stood there quietly, waiting for some sign of their attacker. With a slow, steady movement, Cecil pulled his sword from his sheath. Almost immediately he did so, another ball of swirling red fire shot from the dark hole. Not anticipating such a quick release, Cecil grabbed Rydia’s arm and dove to the side. The shot missed them by inches, causing another explosion of rocks where they had just been standing. He covered Rydia’s small body as the shards pelted into his back yet again. Thank God for his strong armor. When he was certain they were safe, the Dark Knight jumped up violently, sword in hand.

"Show yourself!" he screamed. His chest heaved with fury. "Why are you attacking us?" He stared angrily at the dark hole. "Come out now!" His demand was met by another flaming attack. Prepared for it this time, the Dark Knight steadied his feet and swung his sword just as the fire reached him. With a deep clang that rang down through his hands, the magic was deflected and sent flying into the water. It sizzled violently and extinguished with a burst of smoke. He reached over and picked up a rock. With all his might, he heaved it into the dark hole. It hit something with a thump and a human groan filled his ears. Surprised that he made any contact at all, Cecil stood up straight and listened.

"God dern it!" the voice mumbled from the darkness. A figure stumbled out of the tunnel with its hand on its shoulder. Unable to get a good look at it because of his angle, Cecil cried out again.

"What the hell is your problem!?" The figure came to the edge and stood up straight.

"I thought you were a monster!" Cecil could see their attacker full front now. He was an old man with a mass of long white hair that stood on end. A long, thick beard dangled down from his face and onto his long purple tunic. Round, black spectacles were perched upon his tiny nose.

"How could you think we were monsters? Do monsters have human voices like we do?" The old man looked down at Cecil with a fiery fury. He kicked his long cloak away from his feet and rubbed his shoulder.

"How was I supposed to know? The monsters that have been showing up lately are really odd!" He moaned. "You little whippersnappers and your dern rocks. I oughtta cast another fire spell right up your arse!"

Cecil couldn’t believe what he was hearing. "Me? How about your old arse going around firing spells at completely innocent people? Where do you get off calling ME a whipper snapper? You could have killed us!"

The old man glared down at Cecil with irritation. "You young kids are all the same." Rydia walked up and stood beside the Dark Knight, staring up at the old man.

"Who are you calling a young kid? I can use just as much magic as you can!"

"HA! Child, you are powerless against me."

With a cry of anger, Cecil took his sword and jammed the end of it into the rocky floor. It swayed back and forth from the power he had put into it. Pointing up with a furious finger, Cecil shouted back at their opponent.

"Just who do you think you are?! You almost killed us. Do you understand what I am saying? Killed us!"

"Yea, yea, I know. I’m sorry okay? Geez…." He stopped suddenly and stared at Cecil, his eyes widened. The Dark Knight looked at Rydia, and then back at the old man.

"What are you staring at?" The old man suddenly threw his hands excitedly at Cecil.

"Is that the Dark Sword you wield?!"

"Um…Yes, it’s the Dark Sword. Why?" The old man whooped with joy and did a little jig. A huge smile crossed his face.

"You can help me!"

"Help you? You expect me to help you?!" The Dark Knight turned away and picked up his helmet. Was this guy nuts?

"Yes! You can help me!"

"Why would we want to help you?" Rydia’s little voice squeaked, her hands placed firmly on her hips. A strand of green hair fell over her eyes. The old man clapped his hands together with happiness.

"I need get through this cave but I can’t! There is a huge monster called the Octomamm, and I cannot beat it by myself."

Cecil scoffed at the idea. He didn’t appreciate the old man’s attitude one bit. He was giving him orders, and that was one thing the Dark Knight wouldn’t tolerate. "I’m not fighting some monster when I don’t need to, especially for some guy that just tried to kill us!"

"Oh, but you do need to fight it. It is guarding the only exit to this cave!"

"Bull! I’ll find my own way out of here! C’mon Rydia." They turned around and began to walk.

"I’m sorry! Please! I have got to get to Damcyan. It’s a matter of life and death!" The old man’s desperate words made Cecil stop dead in his tracks. Damcyan. He whirled around on one foot and looked up with hope.

"You are going to Damcyan?"

"Yes, I am! My daughter ran away with some wicked bard and I’m going after her." He began to pace, obviously upset by the fact. "If I don’t get to her, something is going to happen. I just know it!"

"So you need my help to get past this Octomamm?" Rydia tugged on his arm.

"Cecil!" she hissed, looking up at her companion. "You’re not actually going to do it are you?" He glanced down at her quickly, but ignored her comment. The old man seems as desperate to get to Damcyan as I am.

"Maybe we can be of some use to each other then…" Cecil spoke slowly and cautiously, thinking about the situation. "If you say that there is a monster guarding the only exit to this cave, then maybe we should band together." The old man’s eyes lit up and he let out a whoop of joy.

"Excellent! There is no stopping us now that we have the Dark Sword on our side."

"What the heck are you thinking?!" Cecil looked again toward Rydia. She had her hands on her hips and was glaring up at him with her huge emerald eyes. "I thought we were going to find our own way out of this place!"

Cecil knelt down and put his hands on Rydia’s shoulders. "Listen, I have got to get to Damcyan, Rydia. You know that, and if this guy is going there also, why not team up with him?" She crossed her arms and looked at Cecil with a raised eyebrow.

  • "He tried to kill us."
    "But he didn’t mean to." His desperate need to save Rosa totally over took his words.


  • Why are you even asking this little girl? he thought to himself. You are your own man! For some reason, though, he needed her help. He spoke to her calmly.

    "Please, Rydia. I have to get to Damcyan. Without the Sand Ruby, Rosa will die." Die… "Please. I need your help." Rydia’s raised eyebrow slowly fell and her face softened. She looked at him inquisitively.

    "You love her that much, don’t you?" Cecil’s heart bounced in his chest, but he did not let it show.

    "Yes, she is my friend and I love her."

    "Ok then. Let’s go." Cecil wanted to hug her, but he resisted. It probably wasn’t right of him to do so. He was lucky she was even speaking to him.

    "Hot dern!" the old man cried suddenly from the higher ledge. "We’ll beat this thing yet!" Cecil watched as he closed his eyes and mumbled a little chant. "FLOAT!" The next thing he knew, he and Rydia were lifted off the ground and transported over to the higher ledge.

    "I’m Master Sage Tellah," the old man said immediately, thrusting out his hand in offer of introduction. Cecil shifted his helmet from his right arm to his left arm and met Tellah’s greeting.

    "I’m Cecil, and this is my friend, Rydia." A feeling of urgency consumed him. Time is of the essence. "Now let’s get to Damcyan."

    * * *

    Cecil stared deeply into the small fire that burned before him. The flames innocently licked at the air and gave off a steady stream of gentle smoke. He could feel the heat warm his cheeks and nose. It was so soothing.

    Hold on baby, Cecil thought sadly. Rosa constantly pounded at his brain. He closed his eyes in frustration. You have no right to call her baby. That’s something you would call your lover, and Rosa is nothing near that! She was his friend though. The very thought of her laying back in Kaipo, ready to die, was tearing him apart. He longed to hold her in his arms and take away her pain. Never mind the heartbreak that he was feeling. He had to get the Sand Ruby, no matter what it took. The Sand Fever would not claim another person in his life.

    Worry not for me, but for yourself.

    His mother’s last words suddenly rang sharp through his head. He remembered that day like it was yesterday. She had been so swollen…so red…so sick. Even on her deathbed, she was apologizing for the pain he had gone through because of the disappearance of his father and brother. She was so caring like that. So unbelievably caring. Now that Rosa had fallen ill with the same thing his mother had, a fresh and pulsating wound had been opened in his heart. The redness and blood he had seen on Rosa’s face was identical to what he had seen on his mother.

    "Rosa…" Cecil closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could still feel her hand on his shoulder the day the White Wizard stood behind and told him that his mother was gone. She had been there for him that day, yet she lay now, in Kaipo, alone. He longed to hold her and caress her soft face and talk her back to life. Being on this damn mission was the last thing that he wanted to do, but he knew, by God’s grace, that it had to be done.

    "You’d better watch it, or you’re gonna get yer eyebrows singed right off!" Cecil snapped back to reality and looked in the direction of who was talking to him. Tellah was staring at him with a tiny smile on his face. The Dark Knight responded with a light chuckle and sat back. Reaching up, he felt that his eyebrows were still there. Second time that day he had almost lost them. Tellah reached out with a long stick and poked the fire. A cloud of shimmering sparks flew into the air as the wood shifted. Cecil watched as they floated high into the air, almost as high as the ceiling of the cave. The heavy moisture in the atmosphere extinguished them, though, one by one. The quiet, yet incessant dripping of water from the cave’s several stalagmites kept their campsite from being totally silent until Tellah finally spoke again. "Penny for your thoughts, Cecil."

    The Dark Knight sighed quietly. "I’m just thinking about why I’m going to Damcyan, Tellah."

    "Why is that?" Cecil was silent for a moment and he looked at Rydia. Her tiny eyes had finally fallen asleep finally after a few hours of tossing and turning. He watched as her tiny chest rose and fell with each breath. She is so innocent…

    "My dear friend, Rosa, is sick with the Sand Fever." Tellah’s eyes widened in surprise.

    "Truly?! The Sand Fever?" Cecil nodded, pushing the lump that was forming in his throat back down in to his stomach. It made him sick to even think about it.

    "Yea. The Sand Ruby is held by some creature called the Antlion and…"

    "Ah yes! I know about the Antlion."

    "You do?"

    "Oh yes! It is an extremely fierce creature that no one can get near."

    "Except for Damcyan Royalty."

    "Really? I had never heard of that before."

    "Well, that’s what the doctor in Kaipo told me."

    "Hmm…I wonder how he knows."

    Cecil stopped for a moment, a little surprised by Tellah’s tone of voice. It was as if the old sage was saying that the doctor had no idea what he was talking about. "I’m not sure how he knows, Tellah, but it gives me some sort of hope that I will be able to save Rosa, ya know?" There was an icy edge in the Dark Knight voice. Tellah picked up on it easily and looked at him, startled.

    "I didn’t mean it that way. You don’t have to get defensive on me." Cecil rubbed his tired eyes and scolded himself for jumping the gun.

    "I’m sorry, Tellah. I’ve been so tense lately that sometimes I can’t even think straight."

    The old sage nodded understandingly. "I know how you feel. Ever since my daughter ran away a few days ago I can’t even pray without snapping God’s head off."
    "She ran away?"

    A sudden darkness clouded over the old sage’s eyes. The fire reflected off his pupils with snapping fury. He pursed his lips and stared into the flames. "She is supposedly in love with some bard from Damcyan. Eighteen years old. She is eighteen and thinks she knows what love is! Hmmph!"

    "Is this bard a bad guy?"

    Tellah hesitated for a second. "I only met him once, and he seemed to be polite enough, although he was sucking up to me an awful lot. I hate that!"

    "Well, does he treat your daughter with respect?"

    "So she says, but that doesn’t mean anything. She would say anything to me to get me to accept him. Anna has spunk inside of her that’s for sure. A little too much spunk than what’s good for her."

    Cecil wanted to say that he was being too hard on his daughter but he knew that would have been over stepping his bounds. This man had his reasons. Everyone has their reasons. He studied Tellah’s features as he listened to the old man talk. His tiny eyes were surrounded by wrinkles that only seemed to worsen as he continued to speak of his missing daughter. His face went from being irate to disheartened. The bard had come to Kaipo and swept her off her feet with lies. Anna was a vulnerable young woman who didn’t know how to take care of herself yet and now she was off in some kingdom that she didn’t know.

    "To make a long story short, I don’t trust Damcyan to protect her."

    Cecil became confused. "Why not? It’s true that they aren’t one of the stronger nations in the world, but they do have their fleets. I happen to know that the Captain of their army is one of the best."

    Tellah shook his head. "That’s not it. It’s just the fact that they hold the Crystal of Fire that bothers me."

    Cecil looked at Tellah with slight disbelief. "I don’t understand."

    "Any kingdom that holds an Elemental Crystal is in danger of being attacked." Cecil was silent as he absorbed the words that had just come out of Tellah’s mouth. They were so true.

    …in danger of being attacked…

    "Well, I don’t know about that, Tellah."

    The old man scoffed bitterly. "The Crystal of Water has already been taken from Mysidia!" Cecil’s heart skipped a beat.

    "How did you know about that?"

    "Hell, I knew about it before it happened! Kaipo’s ambassador had been staying in Baron before the Red Wings left for Mysidia. King Baron told him all about it and he brought the information back to Kaipo."

    "But the Red Wings hadn’t taken the Crystal yet?"

    Tellah shook his head. "Nope, but once the orders are given, there’s no stopping the Red Wings. I just can’t believe that the Captain, whoever he is, actually followed that command!"

    Cecil’s face went ashen. He looked across the fire at Tellah, trying to conceal his association with the Red Wings. He doesn’t know who I am… He opened his mouth in an effort to speak but the words wouldn’t come. Tellah looked back at him with an odd look on his face.

    "Are you okay?" he asked, watching the Dark Knight with curiosity. Cecil nodded, pulling himself back to reality. He doesn’t know I was the Captain of the Red Wings…

    "Y..Yea, I’m fine," he stuttered. Pull yourself together Cecil! "I was just surprised that you said that about the Captain. From what I heard, he was a pretty good guy."

    "Yea, well, I’m sure he is. How could he go after the Crystal of Water like that? I mean, c’mon. That goes against the most basic morals of any human on the Blue Planet! Those Crystals are sacred and shouldn’t even be looked at in the wrong way!"

    "You’re right, Tellah. We’ll get to Damcyan and get your daughter. Don’t worry." The old sage nodded, clasping his hands. They were silent for a few moments before he finally spoke again.

    "I should probably get some rest now."

    Cecil nodded in agreement, feeling ashamed of his past association with Baron. "Good night, Tellah." The old sage nodded in acknowledgement and pulled off his cloak, making a pillow for himself. He laid back and settled down with a deep sigh. Cecil, on the other hand, didn’t move from his position. He just stared blankly into the flames of tiny fire that flickered before him.

    That goes against the most basic morals of any human on the Blue Planet…

    Those words couldn’t have been truer if he had said it himself. At least he now knew what the world thought of him. Or at least one old sage named Tellah. He might as well have been everyone else in the world though. The idea that he was made out to be nothing more than a valueless human being made him sick.

    "I will redeem myself," Cecil whispered softly, staring intently at the fire. It’s flames violently fought each other for the spot at the tip of the blaze. They flickered rapidly, swirling and spitting up sparks. The Dark Knight did not move when one flew through the air and settled on his bare hand.

    I will redeem myself.

    * * *

    He was running. Everything was moving so fast, but he could definitely tell that he was running. Darkness surrounded him and kept him from seeing where he was. Long, sharp branches pelted sharply at his face as he moved. Behind him, he could hear Kain running. The Dragoon’s voice sounded far away as he shouted for Cecil to move quicker. He pumped his legs faster and faster, trying to push through the dense growth. Something caught his foot and almost sent him sprawling. He managed to keep himself on his feet, though, and he kept pumping. Looking over his shoulder, he saw that Kain was right behind him. He caught a glimpse of the Dragoon’s eyes. They were clouded with fear and desperation.

    "GO, CECIL!" Kain cried, his arms pumping back and forth. They darted in and out of the brush with amazing grace. It was coming, though. Cecil could feel it’s dank breath all around him. Somewhere behind them he could hear it’s wings flapping…or was it the sound of it’s feet pounding? He couldn’t tell. With a frantic cry, Cecil pumped his legs faster, pushing as much energy through his muscles as he could possibly stand. Kain kept right on his heels. Suddenly, all the trees and vines were gone and Cecil felt himself falling. He cried out for his companion.

    "Kain!" Cecil clawed at the air around him, blinded by the ebony abyss into which he was falling. The wind surged up around him, whistling through each and every crack in his armor. He tried to look around for something to grab onto, but there was nothing. "Kain!" There was no response.

    "Cecil….." A whispering, eerie voice filled his ears. It sounded so close, yet so far away. He continued to flail his arms frantically but it was no use. "Cecil… you…will….perish…." The Dark Knight cried out in fear as he continued to plummet.

    "No!!!! Kain! HELP!!!" As if the Dragoon had heard his cry, Kain suddenly appeared out of the darkness and crashed into Cecil. They continued to tumble downwards. Before he spun out of control, the Dark Knight managed to grab onto Kain’s wrist. He looked up in the direction of his friend and, amazingly enough, was able to see his face, but only his face. Kain’s eyes were laced with absolute horror. A sudden, fierce gust of wind pulled at the two companions. Cecil held desperately on to his friend as his fingers began to slip.

    "Cecil…just let me go…" Kain’s voice was nearly inaudible as he spoke.

    "No, Kain!" Cecil’s voice trembled as the swirling air carried it away. A torturous burning sensation suddenly racked his body, concentrating especially in his hand where he held onto his best friend. The Dark Knight’s face twisted in pure agony as he struggled to fight the pain, but he would not let go.

    "Don’t do this to yourself, Cecil…" Kain whispered again, his voice sounding drained of all energy. "Let me go…"

    "NO!" Cecil reached down inside of himself, pulled out some unknown energy, and with a howl, tightened his grasp on Kain. The pain surged into him, sending a searing pain throughout his body. He could feel it travel right through his heart. With each beat it took, the pain pumped through his veins. Cecil’s chest tensed up with incredible power and forced the air out of his lungs. His body jerked violently, but he would not let go. He could not lose his best friend.

    "Let me go, Cecil!" Kain pleaded. "You are in too much pain!"


    "You must! You have got to survive…"

    "I’m not letting go!" With each protest, the pain intensified. His hand began to shake were he gripped his best friend’s wrist. The terrible energy seemed to be coming from Kain.

    "I will hinder you, and nothing more… You must live on Cecil…"

    "Please, Kain, no! I can’t do this without you!" Cecil begged with desperation but another shock wave of agony shot into his body.

    "You must move on without me Cecil…the world needs you…don’t trust in my help…let your heart guide you…just let me go…" With those words, one last explosion entered Cecil’s system and sent him hurtling away from his best friend. The Dark Knight reached out and screamed. He watched in horror as Kain tumbled into the darkness. A feeling of isolation washed over his body. Kain’s solemn whisper filled his ears.

    "Trust in yourself, Cecil…trust in yourself."

    Cecil sat up like a shot, breathing uncontrollably. A waterfall of salty sweat ran down his face. His whole body felt weak. It was a dream. No. It was a nightmare. Wiping his wet forehead and blinking his eyes, the Dark Knight sat motionless, trying to keep his heart inside of his chest.

    "Kain…" he whispered sadly, dropping his head. What does this dream mean? The Dragoon’s words still echoed in his mind.

    …the world needs you…don’t trust in my help…

    "But Kain," Cecil said quietly, lying back down onto the hard ground. "You are the only one I have faith in. The only one…"