Chapter 10

They only twinged slightly, his muscles did, as the figure clad in nothing but his slack cloth pants forced himself up and over the boulder that had created an obstacle in his path. The tendons pulled tightly, straining against the pull he was exerting on himself. Exhaustion had yet to set in. The sun had crossed the sky only one time since he had left his home. By the Gods, his endurance was strong enough to handle one passing of the great circle above, if not longer. The things that hindered his journey were many. Monsters'rain'boulders. His sinewed, muscular chest rose and fell with each breath he inhaled.

Stretch' The man reached his callused hand up and grabbed hold of a jutting rock. He pulled himself up with ease, eyes focused above. His destination was close'almost within his reach. He was glad to almost be there. Climbing the mountainside had absorbed so much time, and being away from his training for so long had left him with a sense of urgency that he could hardly stand.

The man passed over the remaining rocks and pulled himself up over the edge. He immediately crouched down and looked around, surveying the situation with suspiciousness. A cold wind passed over his skin, sending a chill running up and down his spine. He kept his eyes squinted and his muscles flexed. Nearby pine trees swayed back and forth, product of the gentle gusts of the mountain air. He slowly rose, keeping his feet staggered and ready to spring any moment. There had been talk all through the castle of monsters living on the mountainside, but he didn't care. This was his place of training'where he came to study. Nothing was going to stop him'not the monsters, not the protests of his wife'.nothing.


The man whirled around with cat like quickness, throwing his hands out in front of him in preparation for an attack. There was nothing, though. The trees and bushes still swayed as they had before, the dust of the ground creating tiny whirlpools in the wind. He called out, demanding for whatever created the noise to show itself. He was not afraid. He was a fighter. A fighter who refused to give up his territory.

The sound of nature was the only thing that greeted him upon his request. The rustling of leaves, the timid chirp of the birds, the whistling wind. They echoed deep into the core of his body, causing a shudder to consume him. He kept himself composed, despite the feeling he was getting. Something wasn't right. With a swing of his arms, he circled around slowly, making sure to not leave his back wide open.


And no one could hear his cry for help.

* * *


Cecil slowly opened his eyes and moaned, rubbing his face against the soft blanket that surrounded his head. A dull pain throbbed in his neck and down his right arm. His other arm prickled numbly as it hung by his side. There wasn't a place on his body that didn't ache. With a muddled grunt, he pulled himself up into a sitting position, his face tired with sleep.

"That's the last time I ever sleep like that," he mumbled, realizing he had fallen asleep against the bed while he was still sitting in the chair. He rubbed his shoulder gingerly and groaned. His eyes then fell upon a pile of empty blankets in front of him. Rosa was gone. What the hell? The Dark Knight leapt up from his chair. He stumbled slightly, still weighed down with sleep. Kicking his helmet out of the way, he ran out of the room.

"Hello?!" Cecil cried as he hurried down the hall of the doctor's house. The pounding of his metal boots against the floor reverberated against the walls. Where is she?

"What are you screaming about?" As Cecil rounded the corner, he saw the doctor's wife stand up from the table with alarm. She put her cup down and rushed forward, placing her hand on Cecil's shoulder.

"Where is Rosa?!" he cried again, his heart pounding against his chest. He stared down at the old woman. "She was asleep in that bed when I fell asleep! Where is she?"
She smiled gently and placed her hand upon her chest. "Dear God, sir Cecil. You about gave me a heart attack. Why'she is awake!"

Cecil felt the whole world melt. He blinked slowly as if he could not believe what he was hearing. His voice came out as a whisper. "She is awake?"

"Yes! She surprised me something fierce, walking out here into the living room like she did. And so healthy too!"

The Dark Knight stepped back and looked around the room, his sensed dulled. He could not believe it. He simply could not believe it. "Where'where is she?"

"She insisted on going outside."

"You let her go outside?!"

"Now, now, Cecil. She is a very head strong woman and she was hell bent on going outside!"

"Where did she go?"

The old woman walked past Cecil to the window in the back. Coming up behind her, he followed her finger as she pointed. A large tree stood tall and strong in the distance. He could make out her figure sitting there, head rested against the bark. "Right there."

With out further hesitation, he whirled around and burst out into the desert heat. It was still early and the sun was just coming up over the horizon. The gentle buzz of the Sand beetle filled the air. Making his way down the dirt path towards the tree, Cecil reached up and ran his fingers through his hair. He must look like a mess. Not that he really cared though. No real romantic thoughts were running through his head right now. He just wanted to hug her and thank the Gods that she was alive. He limped slightly, his ankle still aching from when he had rolled it in the Antlion's cave.

Must be a sprain he thought, cursing his weak cartilage. It mattered not though. He was walking up behind her so she would not have seen him coming. The Dark Knight stopped suddenly though, short of the tree by a little ways. Overcome with an overwhelming feeling of joy, he could not bring himself to walk up to her. He just stared, taking in the vision of her slight form sitting there with her knees against her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs, her wonderful face staring out across the shimmering pond that lay before her. His breath caught in his throat. She turned her head slowly then, realizing that she was not alone.

"Cecil'" she whispered, her lips curving into a gentle smile. Her eyes crinkled softly. She pulled herself to her feet slowly and turned to face him. The Dark Knight walked towards her, a look of awe on his face. He licked his dry lips.

"You are'you are'"

"I am alive?" she coaxed, looking up at him with a gleam in her eye. She moved with a little slowness, her body still weakened from the Sand Fever's attack. Cecil nodded, laughing and shaking his head. He reached up and ran the back of his hand against her cheek. . The two friends stood silently, looking into each other's presence as if it were a sacred gift. The wind blew softly at Rosa's back drawing her long blonde hair around her face. She stared at Cecil with compassion and gratefulness. With only a slight
hesitation, she threw her arms up and around his neck. Cecil responded hungrily and he pulled her close to him. Her head in his shoulder, his face against her soft mane of blondeness, he held her tightly, not wanting to let go. As warmth filled his body, the Dark Knight closed his eyes tightly.
"I don't know what I would have done if I had lost you," he whispered,
tightening his grip around her waist.
"Thank you Cecil. Thank you so much." He pulled away from her and looked
into her eyes. A layer of clear tears glistened against the radiant blue
gems he called her eyes.
"I would go to the ends of the earth for you, Rosa." Cecil's heart pounded
violently. His eyes searched her face for a sign. A sign to let him know
that she was feeling the same thing that had just suddenly washed over him.
He could not tell. "I can not even begin to describe to you the hallucinations...the horror...that
this damn Sand Fever made me feel." She ran her hands down his arms, sending
a tingling sensation throughout his body. "It was so terrible!"
Cecil took her hands and squeezed them tightly. "You are my best friend,
Rosa, and when I saw you laying there, sick with the Sand Fever, I felt like
I was losing my mind!"
"You saved my life, Cecil. How can I ever repay you?"
He laughed suddenly. "Repay me? Right. You would have done the same thing
for me, right?" She winked at him. "After all, I refuse to let two people in my life time that I care about die from the Sand Fever. I just refuse."
Rosa's face fell with sadness. "Oh Cecil. Your mother."
He nodded solemnly, pasting a make shift grin on his lips. "It's okay, I
just feel so lucky that I found the Sand Ruby. I think'I think she helped me
some where along the way."
"I am certain that she did also."
The Dark Knight stared down at Rosa, and she stared back up. There was an
affectionate glow in her gaze. She ran her hand up and down his arm again.
Oh God. Is she going to kiss me? His heart beat rapidly. Rosa stepped forward,
her face moving closer to his. Her motion was stuttered and hesitant, as if she was not sure what she was doing. Cecil did not resist, just stared down at her thick lips as they came closer to his. His eyes closed slowly as he waited for her touch.
"Cecil, Cecil!" A sudden ear-piercing shriek ripped through the air. The Dark Knight pulled away from Rosa and looked away. She backed up, a red blush filling her cheeks. Her hand flew to her face.
"I'm so sorry!" she blubbered with embarrassment. You fool Rosa. How could
even think of trying to kiss him?
"Oh no, Rosa," Cecil stumbled, realizing she had mistook his retreat as a
sign of his not wanting to kiss her. He held his hand out but she took another step back, shaking her head. Rydia bounded out of the doctor's house, her green hair flying wildly around her face. Edward came out after her, extending his arm in an effort to stop her, but he was not as quick as the little girl.
"Rydia, stop!" the Prince cried. He slapped his forehead, shaking his head.
Meeting eyes with Cecil, he shrugged his shoulders and mouthed. Sorry man, I
The Dark Knight nodded slightly as he looked from Rosa to the little
girl, and back to Rosa. The White Wizard was doing her best to mask her
embarrassment. No, Rosa. I want to kiss you!
"Hi Cecil!" Rydia squealed with delight as she came to a screeching halt in
front of him. "Good morning!"
"Good morning, Rydia," he replied, through clenched teeth. He smiled fakely
and tousled her mop of hair. Of all times to say good morning to me, kid, it
had to be right this second. You're timing is just absolutely impeccable.
He felt extremely sarcastic. Throwing a sideways glance at Rosa, he saw that
she had focused her attention away from him.
"Why, who is your little friend Cecil?" She knelt beside the little Caller and held out her hand. Rydia responded with a firm little handshake.
"I'm Rydia, a Caller from Mist!"
"A Caller from Mist?" Her voice was surprised as she glanced at Cecil with
questioning eyes. He shook his head, signaling that they shouldn't bring it up. She picked up on the sign and turned back to the little girl. "You must know lots of magic then, huh?"
"Uh huh! Well'I know some, but I'm only a kid!"
"That you are! Magic takes a great deal of time to learn."
"Yea it does. It's hard work too. It makes me tired!"
"When you become an adult, it will be like a third eye to you." Rydia scuffed the ground with her foot, unsettling the dust. "I wanna be an adult now."
Cecil's throat rumbled with a sarcastic laugh. "You do not want to be an
adult Rydia. I'm telling you, cherish your years as a child."
"Yea but grown ups can travel and stuff like that. Cool stuff."
"Trust me, Rydia. You're childhood is the best time of your life." She paused for a moment. The little Caller looked up at Cecil with her big green eyes. "No it's not Cecil, especially without a mommy."
The Dark Knight was silent, taken aback by what had just come out of her
mouth. There was no tone of resentment in her voice, but just a statement of the facts. Rosa raised her eyebrows and stood up. An uncomfortable silence overcame them all. Edward approached then, laughing nervously.
"Rydia darling!" he said, eyeing Rosa and Cecil. "Why don't you come inside
with me and get some breakfast?"
"But I'm not hungry!"
He grabbed her hand. "Of course you are!"
Good job Edward, Cecil thought, grinning to himself. The Prince began to
lead the squirming child away.
"But I just met Rosa, I wanna talk to her!"
"There will be plenty of time for that later." Edward tipped his cap towards
Rosa. "I'm Edward, Prince of Damcyan. I am honored to meet your acquaintance. I'd love to, ya know, stay and chat but Rydia and I are very hungry, right Rydia?" The little girl frowned as the Prince kept a tight grip on her hand. He continued, laughing nervously again. "See? She starved!" With a nod of his head, Edward scurried away, dragging a
protesting Rydia along with him.
"He is a handsome young fellow," Rosa commented. The Dark Knight nodded as
he watched the Prince and Caller walk away.
"Edward is a good man. He's been through a hell of a lot."
Rosa cocked her head in confusion. "A hell of a lot?"
"Yea, a hell of a lot. Rydia's been through the same." He turned away suddenly, the events of the past few days rushing back to him. Staring out at the quiet pond, he sighed deeply.
"What's wrong, Cecil?"
Rosa came up behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder, turning him
towards her. "Has something happened?"
The Dark Knight allowed himself to collapse into the sand. Rosa knelt down
beside him. Cecil put one elbow on his knee and rested his head against his
palm. Taking another deep breath, he ran his other free hand through the
soft grainy substance.
"Cecil!" Rosa cried, searching his face for a clue. "What happened?"
"Where do I even begin?"
Rosa reached over and put her fingers underneath his chin and drew his face
upwards, so she could see his expression. He was tired and worn down. She
could tell it in his eyes. Something was very, very wrong. "Please, Cecil.
Just start from the beginning."
"But'it's so hard to talk about."
"You don't have to tell me every last detail. I wouldn't make you live
through it again. Just tell me though. .I know you Cecil. You are upset."
There was hesitation on Cecil's part. Where can I possibly begin? "Rosa'the
"The package?"
"It opened up and destroyed Mist."
Rosa's hands flew to her mouth. "Oh no! The King had you and Kain'"
Cecil nodded miserably. "We fought a Mist Dragon, on our way through the cave, which turned out to be Rydia's mother. And'and when a Caller's monster dies'.so does she."
"You killed Rydia's mother?"
The Dark Knight sighed disgustedly and jumped to his feet. He pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes. "I didn't know that it was her mother, Rosa! Do you think I would have done it if I would have known that!" Hostility filled his voice.
Rosa stood up too, staring at Cecil with a concerned look. "Please don't
yell at me. I know you would never do something like that on purpose! Give
me a little god damn credit Cecil."

"I'm sorry. I don't mean to yell, but this is stressing me out. It's stressing me out so much that I can't even think straight sometimes."

Rosa was calm. "So you took Rydia in after her mother was killed then, right?"

"Yea. It wasn't easy to do, that's for sure. The kid hated me. In fact, she cast one of her little Caller spells on me'Titan I think." And then Kain was killed.

"Titan! A little girl like that cast Titan on you?"

"Didn't you feel the earthquake?"

"Yes I did! It was horrible! I could see the mountains collapsing in the distance'" She paused, reminiscing. "'the dust flying'God that was horrible! How did you ever survive?"

Cecil became silent, lost for words. Rosa continued to study him, waiting for an answer. When he finally found the expression, it came out as a hoarse whisper. "I don't know how I survived'Rosa'but I did. All I remember is that Titan slamming the ground with his fist and then everything went blank. It must have thrown me'" A wave of exhaustion suddenly fell over him. It was a struggle to speak. A matter of days! It has only been a matter of days'

"Were you hurt at all?"

The Dark Knight shook his head. How am I going to tell her? She is going to be devastated'God the timing for this is so horrible. "I was sore for a while, but then I carried Rydia all the way to Kaipo, where we found you."

Rosa shook her head, tucking her hair behind her ears. "You are so strong, Cecil. I can't even fathom how you are actually standing here next to me right now."

"Maybe I am'but he wasn't'" His voice was shaky and almost inaudible. He avoided Rosa's gaze, keeping his eyes on the rippling water.

"He? Who are you talking about?" Then she gasped, her hand covering her mouth once again. The White Wizard shook her head in disbelief. "Kain'he didn't make it?"

Cecil squeezed his eyes shut and nodded slowly, raising his head and taking in a deep breath. His body felt numb all of a sudden as he was forced to remember what had happened. Kain'my friend' "He didn't make it."

"No'" Rosa's eyes filled with tears and she continued to shake her head. She sat back in the sand, her face twisted in horror. "Not Kain'no, Cecil, not Kain!"

"He was buried in the earthquake." A sob escaped her throat as he spoke. "I looked for him, honest Rosa, I did, but there was nothing I could do."

The White Wizard pulled her knees into her chest as she sat next to Cecil. He finally brought himself to look at her. She was holding back her cries, but the tears were still streaming down her cheeks. Cecil moved closer to her and gathered her in his arms. She collapsed against his chest, tiny sobs choking her throat. Gripping his shirt in hers fists, she pressed herself against him. He rocked her gently, trying to absorb her sadness.

"Don't cry, Rosa. Please try not to cry."

"I'can't help it'I can't believe that he is gone!"

Cecil looked to the sky. I can't believe it either. "Rosa'I'I don't know what to say. I feel like it's my fault. I never should have accepted that damn Rosa pulled away and looked at him sternly.

"It's not your fault! How can you say that?"

"I let him cone with me. It was my affair, and I still let him involve himself in it."

"That is crap, Cecil. You know that you have never been able to

stop Kain from doing something he wants to do. You two have always stuck

together. Always."

Cecil dropped his eyes and ran his hand through his thick hair.

Exhaustion and sadness consumed him. A strong burning sensation flared inside of him but he held it back. He had to be strong for Rosa's sake. He just had to. "It doesn't change the fact that he is gone."

"Did you find his body?"

"No, there was no body. But it is impossible to believe that he survived it. I can't even believe I survived it."

Rosa pulled herself out of Cecil's chest and ran her finger gently across his cheek. He pressed his face into her hand. Her lips trembled as she spoke. "He was such a strong man. How could something like this have happened?"

"What do you think I have been asking myself over and over again since it happened? But'there is more."


He nodded miserably. "You met Edward there for a second."

"Uh huh'"

"Well you know how I said he had been through a hell of a lot?"


"In order to get the Sand Ruby from the Antlion, I had to get Damcyan Royalty."

"The Antlion?"

"Yea, it's this huge monster beyond the shallows in the north. It held the Sand Ruby, but I was told that in order to get it, I had to have Damcyan Royalty."


"I'm not sure. Supposedly they are the only ones that the Antlion is tame with."


Cecil took a deep breath and got to the point. "Right before I got there, the Red Wings attacked them."

"Oh God."

"They stormed the castle, killed the King and Queen, killed Edward's lover Anna, and took the Crystal."

Rosa gasped, wiping her tears from her eyes. "They have the Crystal of Fire?!"

"Yes they do. It was so terrible to see. There were bodies everywhere! The place was in ruins. That is where I met Edward. He was trying to save Anna. She shielded him from arrows, Rosa. She gave her life for him!"

The White Wizard sighed deeply. "I could see the sadness in his eyes. Oh God, poor Edward. And his parents are dead too?" Cecil nodded. "God it's not fair! Damn King Odin, why is he doing this?!"

"I don't know, that's what I am trying to figure out. He had changed so much. I have known King Odin for so many years and this is not like him. This just blows my !"

"Who the hell is commanding them?"


A look of confusion crossed her face. "Golbez?"

Cecil shrugged his shoulders, running his hands through the sand. "I have no idea who he is. Edward is the one that told me about him. God! I said that I wanted to meet up with the man that would command such a mission, but Edward was adamantly against that! He says that the guy is a real, well, how do I say this tastefully? Asshole?"

Rosa crossed her arms across her chest. "I've never even heard of the guy. Wait'I do remember, before I left the castle, I over heard a couple of the guards talking about a new leader. I never even gave it a second thought, though. I was too set on getting out of there."

"Yea, well, any man that would command the Red Wings is a coward." Including me.

"Tell me something Cecil. Why are you so down on yourself?"

The Dark Knight's eyes widened in surprise. "Why am I so down on myself? I'm not down on myself."

"Bull." She stepped forward and put her hand on his forearm. "I know you still beat yourself up over stealing the Crystal of Water." He started to shake his head but she waved him off. "Don't try to deny it. I know you. But Cecil, it's in the past. It's already done. You have got to let go of it."

"It's not that easy."

"Why not?"

"Why not?! What the hell. The Blue Planet thrives on the power of those Crystals. Those things shouldn't even be looked at, let alone touched."

"Like I said, though, there is nothing we can do about it now'except keep it from happening again."

Cecil opened his mouth in response but closed it when he realized what Rosa was implicating. Does she mean we should protect the rest of the Crystals? Is she crazy? "What could we'we possibly do that would make a difference?"

"We could start by warning their next closest target."



The Dark Knight laughed skeptically. "Fabul is very far away, we probably wouldn't even get there in time!"

"It doesn't matter! We have to try!"

"But'" Cecil stopped himself in mid sentence. What are you saying, Cecil? Why in Shiva's name are you arguing with her? Don't make excuses. She is right. Fabul will most likely be the next target and you have the power to do something. For once, you have the power help'not hurt. You have to. You just have to.

"Edward is going to Fabul soon," Cecil said, rubbing his chin and looking towards the house. "You're right Rosa. I will accompany him."

A smile crossed her face and she clapped her hands together. "I knew you would Cecil. Between your sword, my magic and Edward, we will make it, no problem!"

The Dark Knight held up his hands. "Whoa there sister. Back the train up. You think you're going with me?"

"Yea, I do!"

"I think not!"

The White Wizard's hands flew to her hips. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Yea I heard you, but I was just asking again in case you wanted to rephrase your sentence!"

"No, I think I like it the way I said it."

"Well, I don't."

"Too bad." A flash of fire lit in Rosa's eyes. Cecil immediately regretted even opening his mouth.
"Too bad? Too bad?! Just who the hell do you think you are, Cecil? You can tell me what I can and can not do. The trip to Fabul will be dangerous and you sure as hell aren't going alone!"

"But Rosa, you just woke up from a coma." He waved his hands around his head in emphasis. "A coma! You almost died!"


"So?! What do you mean so? You are in no condition to go on a trip!"

"I am in fine condition. You don't know how I feel. I can cure myself, genius, remember? I am White Wizard. I do have the power of healing."

Ooooohh, I hate it when she does that, Cecil thought, as they locked eyes. She is so sarcastic and stubborn! "You need rest."

"I need to warn Fabul."

"I don't need the burden of making sure you are okay, Rosa."

"Burden? Ha! I am a burden to no one but myself so you can just take me right off your mind." Cecil started to speak but she held her hand up. "This the end of the discussion. I don't care what you or anybody says. I am going with you and there is nothing you can do to stop me."

Damn it Rosa. "I'm not going to win this one, am I?"

Her eyes sparkled mischievously. "Not in a million years."