Chapter Six


Morning found Cecil prepared to leave for the Misty Valley. He stood on the drawbridge that spanned over the glistening lake surrounding the castle of Baron. It was such a perfect morning, he thought in despair…why does it have to look so perfect? Cecil had avoided all of the soldiers patrolling near the gate. Of course, they would agree with him about the crystal of water and the mission that carried them to the southwest toward Mysidia, but he didn’t want to be reminded of it. Without a doubt it would be their preferred subject of conversation. Cecil half-heartedly wished that he would see Rosa before he left in order to apologize to her about how he spoke and how he acted…God, I was so…uncaring to her…when she was sincerely concerned about me…

I’ll apologize to her, Cecil decided…she’ll come to see us leave this morning…then I’ll apologize to her…after all, he knew she understood how he felt…

Cecil kicked a rock into the lake and watched the rings spring up around it.

"For God’s sake, man!"

An unexpected voice startled him.

"You’ve already gotten us into enough trouble!"

Cecil whirled around to stare at the grinning face of Kain Highwind, his blond hair curling around his shoulders and his green eyes shimmering good-naturedly.

"Are you gonna get in trouble for destruction of property too?" the dragoon demanded, indicating the ripples of water where the rock had fallen in the lake. Cecil didn’t believe the grin on Kain’s face could get any broader.

"Kain, I thought I saw the roadmen scraping you out of the road awhile ago…"

A mock hurt expression flashed on the dragoon’s tan face before it was replaced by a serious frown.

"Are you ready? Let’s get this over with…"

Cecil watched as Kain started toward the group of soldiers huddled near the courtyard. He hurried to catch up with the determined dragoon and as expected Kain was already in heated discussion with the soldiers. They paused a moment as Cecil approached.

"What’s going on, Captain?"

Cecil raised his hand in an attempt to salute…another guard spoke:

"You know, it’s a shame you lost the position, man –" he offered genially. "I wouldn’t have done it –"

By ‘it’ Cecil realized he meant taking part in the recent mission.

"-But it was an order!"

Cecil scowled.

"I’m not held down by his command anymore," he announced defiantly. "After delivering the message to Mist, I’m free of his rule…as Captain…"

The soldier nodded and started to reply but Kain interrupted:

"But as one of the King’s dragoons, I still have to show loyalty to the Code --"

Cecil glanced at him and Kain seemed ashamed.

"—I might not agree with him, but I have to do the King’s will…"

"That’s what was wrong with me," Cecil smirked. "I followed his orders no matter how ridiculous they were, and they ended up being a burden…"

They stood in thoughtful silence for a moment before one of the soldiers spoke:

"His Majesty told me to give this to you –" He produced a scroll, rolled tightly and tied with a maroon ribbon. Cecil took it reluctantly…I guess this is where it starts…

"What does the king want to say to the people of Mist?" Kain asked suddenly. "Those damn summoners aren’t a threat to Baron…"

And you know why, don’t you? Cecil thought angrily…

"That’s the truth, man –" one of the soldiers exclaimed. "—After the Edict was issued several years ago –"

The Edict…it had been horrible…it was the law of Baron that declared the threat of the summoners of Mist to the nation…but, it did more than that…it indirectly gave the kingdom of Baron the right to make certain that no other nation felt threatened by the summoners…

Cleansing…the king had simply called it…the cleansing had taken its toll…

"—That God-forsaken village full of witches and warlocks –" One of the men was saying vehemently. "—It does everyone a favor when we get rid of them!"

Another guard nodded.

"Even with the beasts on their side they don’t stand a chance against Baron –"

A murmur of agreement passed through the men…Cecil glanced down at the scroll clenched between his fingers…he was suddenly curious…What did King Odin want from the village of summoners? If this has anything to do with the Edict, I…won’t…do it…

As Cecil and Kain finally broke free of the guards’ company, they turned toward the cobblestone streets of Baron where the town spread in every direction. Despite the early hour the town seemed to be bustling with activity.

People were everywhere.

Fresh fruit vendors pushed wooden carts back and forth, shouting to the passers-by; weapon and armor merchants displayed their wares vainly, each proclaiming that he had the best quality for the best bargain; lovers drifted by hand-in-hand, staring dreamily into each other’s eyes. Kain was nearly plowed over as they made their way past a merchant cart where the man sold sticky honey candy. A flock of children bolted past the stand, waving sticks as if they were swords. Several children paused to gape at Kain and Cecil; their mouths dropped open, pointing and whispering. Most of them kept their distance, but every now and then a prankster would creep near the men, dared by his friends tot ouch the dreaded black armor of the Dark Knight. None had the nerve to do it, however, and they turned and fled when they were a few paces from Cecil.

Cecil smiled to himself when he saw the children because it reminded him of…well…himself…He thought of when he was young…he recalled how there had never been much to do in the town as a young boy. He was looking for adventure…so he, too, would break branches from the small trees and pretend it was a sword. He had always enjoyed playing the role of the ‘hero’ in the childish games; not because he chose to do it but because the others felt that he fit the role. Cecil was the one who would shout to them beware of the dragon in the molten lava…watch out for the hideous serpents in the low-hanging tree limbs because once they see you, you won’t have a chance…it waits to snatch a little boy or girl into its unforgiving jaws…and chocobos? If you see one, you’re gonna be a hero when you grow up! Of course we never saw one…at least I don’t remember it…but isn’t this Dark armor a clear indication that I’m not a hero?

I was the imaginary leader, Cecil recalled…against the imaginary evil army…and Kain was there…everyone knew Kain wasn’t creative enough or smart enough to make a good story, but he tagged along with Cecil into the younger boy’s adventure… And he could never forget the little girl that used to stay by his side and giggle at everything he said, and how he always thought she was cute when she wore her hair in the long pony tail and carried a stick as if it were a sword…Cecil stopped for a moment as the memories flooded back to him, the memories of being children, the memories of he and Rosa being young together…


Cecil looked up, startled. Kain had been trying to get his attention…

"You okay, man?"

Cecil nodded hastily.


Kain raised a finger and pointed toward the outskirts of the town.

"There’s Mrs. Farrell in her flower garden again…"

Cecil looked toward the house…Rosa’s mother…working in her garden as usual…she loved those flowers so much…probably as much as she loved her own daughter…

"Good morning Cecil!"

As if on cue, Mrs. Farrell called loudly to the knight and rose from the dirt where she had been busily digging.

"Come over for a bit!"

She stood, shaking the dirt and loose soil from her apron…Cecil marveled at how much Rosa looked like her mother…

Kain gestured for them to accept her invitation…Cecil half-heartedly agreed…part of him wished that Rosa would be there, but part of him did not want to see her yet…

They approached Mrs. Farrell just as she finished brushing the dirt from her hair…she beamed proudly as he hugged Cecil,

"Land sakes Cecil!" she exclaimed, stepping back to regard him curiously. "You get to be more handsome each time I see you!"

Cecil blushed and didn’t know how to respond…he was relieved when Mrs. Farrell turned her attention to Kain…

"Kain Highwind! I declare if you haven’t grown another foot since I saw you last!"

Kain also reddened at her remark and stammered a reply; he sighed with relief too as Mrs. Farrell turned her attention back to Cecil again:

"Cecil dear, how are you?"

"I’m alive –" he stated with a half-smile. "—Which is the best I can do, Mrs. Farrell –"

"Oh my goodness, Cecil!" She started earnestly. "You go right ahead and call me Camilla! When you get to be my age, you’re beyond the privilege of respect from youngsters!"

She paused, swiping at stray grains of sand in her graying hair.

"Now Kain, you haven’t been scaring the children with that armor of yours, have you, dear?"

Kain shook his head and Mrs. Farrell continued:

"Not that I would mind it much today! I’ve never in my life seen so many children in the streets of Baron!"

Cecil and Kain nodded politely in agreement…Cecil was torn between asking about Rosa and not even mentioning her name…

"Mrs. Camilla, is Rosa here this morning?"

Cecil groaned inwardly as Kain’s voice rang out…Kain, you bastard…Mrs. Farrell shook her head quickly…

"No, she isn’t, dear…She went to the hospital early to help the patients there and then she had to be an assistant in a White Mage school…"

Cecil tried not to appear downcast about the news…

"I declare with all this sickness spreading through here, I don’t know if I’d rather be in the hospital or alone on a desert island!"

She laughed good-naturedly and Cecil and Kain joined in…it wasn’t long before Mrs. Farrell was urging them into the house…

"Kain, dear, I know you’re hungry!" she was saying matter-of-factly. "I’ve never known you to turn down food and drink!"

Kain was on the verge of accepting, but Cecil insisted that they leave…then he was forced to explain everything to Rosa’s mother…

"Oh Cecil, I’m sorry," Mrs. Farrell said as he finished …she squeezed his waist tightly. "I know how proud you were to be the Captain…"

There was an awkward silence then Mrs. Farrell spoke again:

"Well, I do wish Rosa was here to see you off…"

Cecil nodded but it was a half-hearted nod…I don’t really want her to be here…for some reason I’m glad she’s not here…

"I’m just being quite a selfish host, am I not, dear?" Mrs. Farrell started, gazing at the two men. "I’m keeping you here when you have to be on your way to the Mist Valley!"

"It’s okay, Mrs. Farrell –" Kain remarked hastily. "—We don’t –"

"Now Kain!" she scolded good-naturedly, waving a finger at him. "What did I tell you about calling me Mrs. Farrell? You make me feel like an absolute fossil!"

Kain blushed fiercely and corrected himself; after another brief silence, Mrs. Farrell started toward her house.

"I suppose I’ll see you two young men later…please be careful for the sake of this old lady!"

She gave a small laugh:

"Don’t make me worry about you the way I worry about my daughter!"

Cecil nodded and Kain waved to her.

"It’s nice to see you again, Mrs. Camilla…"

"Same to you, Kain!" she replied, opening her door. "And you, Cecil!"

He nodded again and watched Rosa’s mother as she started into the door.

"Mrs. Camilla?"

Before she disappeared into the house, Cecil’s voice stopped her.


Cecil paused as she looked at him in concern… after clearing his throat, he spoke:

"Will you tell Rosa that I’ll be back as soon as possible and—"

He fumbled for his next words.

"—And, please don’t worry about me…"

Mrs. Farrell smiled.

"Yes, dear, I certainly will tell her…"

Cecil thanked her graciously, but he wondered if it were the right thing for him to say…he couldn’t just ask Rosa not to worry about him and expect her to do it…it would almost be like asking the sun to remain in the sky during the night hours…it might have happened with divine intervention, but simply asking for it gets you nowhere…

Wordlessly Kain and Cecil made their way through the crowded streets and left the town of Baron behind…

* * * * * *

In the northern part of the Midwestern continent were the Misty Mountains. This particular mountain chain formed a natural barrier between the Khormha Sea to the north and the two neighboring continents of the North and the Northwest. The name of the Misty Mountains came from the nearly impenetrable layer of fog that incessantly hovered into the mountain peaks and even settled as far down as the Misty Valley. The cause of the fog was unknown…some say it was the defense of the people of Mist, who were often targets of violent massacres by the other nations who felt threatened by their existence…others believe it occurred naturally…as the hot dry air from the bordering Kaipo Desert in the East drifted over the mountains, it mingled with the humid, almost tropical climate of the Forest of Naphtali in the West, producing the thick white fog…

Either way, it meant very few travelers ever attempted to cross the mountains…a fact with which the summoners were relieved.

A dense forest between the Mountains and the Baronian plains also served to discourage anyone from trying to enter the village of Mist…the forest was even deemed the Misty Woods because the fog from the mountains more often than not seeped into the leaves and limbs of the forest…Cecil and Kain entered the Misty Forest with determination…neither man would have enjoyed spending the night in the woods…

The dense foliage of the forest proved to be extremely difficult for blazing a trail, and before long, the sun began setting prematurely into the darkening trees around them. Twilight quickly faded to night, and starts peeped from the night sky one at a time. The two moons that kept their nightly vigil over the Blue Planet were invisible to the two interlopers, but if they could have seen the moons, they would have noticed how strikingly different they appeared on this night. The red moon cast its orange glow upon the world; the full, white moon beamed brilliantly through the black darkness of the night…as if it were eagerly trying to bring night to day and darkness to light.

As they made their further into the forest, the fog began to float from the ground and hang in the night air, illuminated by the meager amount of visible moonlight. The strange hovering patches of fog resembled spirits in the darkness…Cecil shuddered…this must be another reason the village of Mist gets few visitors…Far away he could hear the howl of a wolf or coyote but he had no sense of direction…the eerie mist made the visibility poor…someone could easily spend a whole night in the Misty woods and never find their way out…

Cecil at last declared with obvious hesitation that they should stop…the light of the moon was providing them very little guidance…the dragoon agreed with equal reluctance and immediately tossed his spear to the grass, following behind with a loud clanging of armor.

The crickets began chirping noisily in the forest until they reached a deafening droning. At last Cecil spoke:

"You don’t know how far we’ve walked today, do you?"

There was no reply but he could almost see the dragoon shaking his head in the darkness.

"No clue, man…"

"After the sun went down, I don’t even know if we’ve been going in the right direction…"

I didn’t have to tell him that, Cecil reminded himself; once again he could picture Kain shaking his head. Cecil laid on his back and felt the damp grass press into his hair. A slight shifting and groan came from nearby, and a thump followed as Kain flopped back on the ground.

"How bout a fire, captain?"

For a moment Cecil thought he would apologize for the title he tagged onto the question…Oh sorry, Cecil…I forgot…about…you know…

"We’d better not…" Cecil replied, gazing up at one lone star that had drifted into view. "I don’t want to let anyone out here know where we are…"

He expected Kain to ask who else would be out here, but the dragoon said nothing.

"Without a fire they won’t be able to see us…"

Kain didn’t say anything for awhile, and the next time Cecil heard a sound from him, it was a low rumbling snore. Cecil gazed into the darkness around them a few minutes longer before he drifted of into a dreamless sleep.


* * * * * *

Cecil woke with a start. His heart was thudding heavily in his chest and sweat soaked his back and face.

What is it…

I heard something…

It was quiet now…the only sound he heard was his own soft breathing and the steady thump thump thump of his heart. He sat on the wet grass, not daring to move a muscle…

What is it…

The fog under the trees had grown thicker and seemed to imprison him…the moonlight shone into the forest brightly…much brighter than it had been when he fell asleep…

Cecil glanced to his left, then to his right…

The dragoon was kneeling a few feet away…he, too, was wide awake…his eyes stared in awe toward the darkness…

"They’re…all…around…us…" he whispered grimly.


Cecil frowned.

"Where?" Cecil didn’t want to risk moving or even breathing…


Kain indicated with a slight nod of his head. Cecil followed his gaze into the misty shadows, straining to peer into the eerie darkness. He could see nothing in the inky black night…

It’s nothing, he thought with relief…he was just imagining it…

Then his eyes caught the outline of a crouched figure lurking in the edge of the shadows….

His heart seemed to stop…

And next to that shadow there lurked another.

And another…

Red eyes flared dimly in the dense fog…

Cecil drew back from the shadows in terror.

"What in God’s name is that?" he whispered fiercely, scowling at the dragoon in the semi-darkness.

No reply…the dragoon was gaping at the shadows…the living shadows…the eyes began to slink closer to them, stirring up the mist…

They were alive…very alive…

Whatever they were…

The crickets had ceased chirping long ago. Kain’s hand rested on the shaft of his spear…he gazed at Cecil with the most frightened look the knight had ever seen etched on the dragoon’s face…Cecil slowly, slowly reached for his horned helmet…Kain offered a sheepish whisper:

"…my God…"

With a horrible snarl the shadows sprang to life. In an instant Cecil and Kain were on their feet and charging blindly through the thick forest. Raspy breathing was at their heels…a distant howl echoed far away in the woods…Cecil risked a quick peek backwards and suddenly felt the pressure of a huge and heavy body strike him in the chest. He careened onto the ground, smashing into the wet grass…the air instantly whooshed from his lungs…the body was still pressed into his stomach…

Oh God now I’m going to die out here

He couldn’t draw a breath deep enough to shout at Kain…to warn him Kain don’t stop keep running and don’t look back because if you dare look back then it’s all over for you, man…

Cecil winced as sharp claws dug into his abdomen and, reaching up with his hands, he felt his fingers clutch a hairy throat…


The fetid stench from the animal drifted into his nose and d warm sticky saliva dribbled onto his hands as he struggled to tear the animal away from him…claws dug into his chest and ruby eyes glittered directly in front of his face; with a strength borne of terror Cecil heaved the beast away and clambered to his feet as soon as he heard the animal tumble through the grass and leaves and bushes…As the animal lay stunned for a moment, Cecil gaped at it in horror…A wolf? No…not a wolf with black thick fur like that…just run you dumb bastard get out of here quit looking at the stupid animal…its chest muscles rippled from the thick black fur…a long bushy tail lashed angrily against the damp grass…the hairs clinging to its muzzle had tiny beads of dew flecked on them…run you idiot see you waited too late it’s coming after you again…

When the creature rose to its feet and turned halfway toward Cecil, he took one glance at the fiery red eye before he turned and crashed into the bushes…the wolf was behind him…between gasping breaths Cecil finally managed to call for the dragoon…


You waited too late he’s already dead by now…

A surprised shout from the dragoon indicated that he was still alive, but for how long, Cecil didn’t know…he dashed toward the sound through the thickening fog; his only path was carved out by the light of the moon as it shone from high in the night sky…it was enough light to finally glimpse Kain in the swirling mist.


Cecil fumbled with the sword on his back and finally wrenched it from the sheath. He watched Kain thrash vainly at a wolf with his spear, his eyes glittering intently; another wolf circled him, its fur bristling, its fangs bared; as Cecil charged toward the dragoon, he watched in horror as another wolf leaped from the darkness with a vicious snarl, smashing heavily into Kain’s side. The dragoon was caught off-guard and he tumbled helplessly to the ground, kicking and snatching at the animals as they pounced on him. Cecil’s legs had long since felt like they wouldn’t move anymore, but he clenched his teeth and charged to Kain’s side. He collapsed to his knees beside the struggling figures, and raising the black sword high above his head, he brought it down and buried it deep into the hairy back of one of the creatures. It sunk easily into the flesh, bone, gristle with a sickening crunch and hot blood immediately gushed over Cecil’s hands and arms and it spilled onto the grass, mingling with the early morning dew. The wolf wailed so mournfully as it lurched left and right…Cecil was unnerved by the hideous sound and he released the sword, stepping hastily away from the beast…

Kain planted his foot firmly into the soft belly of one of the wolves and lashed out, sending it tumbling across the ground and giving Kain a split second to retrieve his spear before another wolf lunged at his throat. This time he could only spare a moment to pull the spear up to his face; the wolf’s yellowed fangs locked on the shaft and Kain reeled over backwards, gasping in disgust as the putrid breath puffed into hid face. He wrestled with the creature vainly…he knew his spear wouldn’t hold much longer…

Out of the corner of his eye Kain saw another shadow lumbering toward him…God…He closed his eyes tightly and felt the force of another large body smash into him…when he dared to squint his eyes and look, he saw Cecil, his fist clenched tightly around the nape of the wolf’s neck, hovering over him.

…Cripes, Cecil…what a saint…

Cecil heaved the animal aside with all of his might, they teetered dangerously for a moment, then Cecil and the animal rolled over and over into the grass. When the world around him stopped whirling dizzily, Cecil realized that he was straddling the creature’s bony ribcage…fangs snapped dangerously close to his ear, and Cecil instinctively lashed out with a fist, striking the animal’s warm wet nose. There was a raspy yelp as warm blood splashed from its nose…the fangs snapped again, scraping across Cecil’s forearm…blood welled from the wound but it wasn’t a mortal wound so he would have t olive with it for now…he lashed out again…maroon blood splashed onto his hands and he closed his eyes and pounded mercilessly on the animal’s head. A hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder and he stumbled back…his breath was coming in quick ragged gasps as he looked back…


Kain held the spear tightly in his hand, his knuckles white and his face pale.

"What is that, man?" he demanded, gaping wide-eyed at the creature lying at Cecil’s feet. "I mean…What in God’s name is that thing?"

First Cecil looked numbly at his blood-soaked hands and arms…then he looked at the creature lying dead in the damp grass…he shook his head…


Cecil stared at the blood on his hands in disgust…it was so dark; it quite possibly would never disappear…

"That’s the most god-awful wolf I’ve ever seen, man…"

A distant howl echoed through the Misty Woods…with a nod of his head Cecil indicated that they should spend no more time in the dense forest…

Which gave them no choice but to start walking again…