
Lost hummingway. Wanted dead or alive, preferably dead. 2000 gp reward (COD) as soon as someone informs us what a hummingway is and where there's actually one in the game.

-Guard Union of Baron

Helmet hair? Latest do ruined by sharing a bed with three other people? Well, Baronian Just For Men Shampoo is the thing for you! Automatically bleaches your hair and spikes it for that "Oh so hip" Japanimation look! Get your own bottle for 9 gp (or whatever currency Baron uses) today!

Talented dancers wanted. Please contact the guy in the small treasury room in Damcyan with all the money that nobody's supposed to know about for more information. Clothes optional.


This is a public service announcement: Remember, you DON'T have to take sexual harrassment at your workplace. Please contact the guy in the Damcyan Treasury Room for more information, or call your local Paladin Union from the single pay phone in Zot.


This is a public service announcement from the Royal Dragoons: I'm STILL better than your sweet Cecil, so there! Phhbbtt!


This is a public service announcement: King Edward reminds you not to drink and call.... Remember, good friends don't let good friends singlehandedly destroy Fabul.


This is a public service announcement: This is your brain. This is your brain on King Cecil's enchanted boxer shorts.


This is a public service announcement: Only YOU can prevent the Hatred of All That Is from stealing the Four Crystals (and all the other ones you didn't know about), your enchanted best friend from kidnapping your girlfriend, a karate master from throwing himself on a cannon meant to destroy an entire race (and surviving!), a master engineer from throwing himself off an airship in midflight and manually detonating a bomb in his hand (and surviving), twins from turning themselves to stone, spoony bards from acting like crybabies, ninjas from hitting on girls with green hair, four people from sleeping in the same bed in an almost-empty inn, Japanese programmers from creating their own room, Master Wizards from hanging off the battlements and enchanting King Cecil's underwear, Councillors of Damcyan from going splat, FuSoYa from joining Hair Club for Men, innocent pages with an uncanny resemblance to Jake Lloyd from turning into Dark Lords of Sith, hot Dragoon Captains from posing for CK in tight briefs with little X-Wings on them, Mysidians from melting when they come in contact with water, Damcyanians from burning themselves to a crisp if they come in contact with fire (will it happen?), golden contact lenses of truth from being issued to all pages in Baron, the lost hummingway from making snide comments, Baronian guards from smoking pot, and crystal shards from embedding themselves into body parts of unsuspecting civilians.


This is a public service announcement: Doing any of the above within Baron city limits will result in getting whacked on the head with a big stick.


Teen Baron:

-Top 10 hair care mistakes to avoid

-The Guide to creme colored cloaks: Are you paying too much?

-Boots: Nothing special, we just like 'em

-Secrets Dragoons don't want you to know!

-Makeup: The super fast way to get pixels to look the way you want them.

-From Toroia: The hot "Are We Being Posessed by Spirits One by One" Controversy

-Red Wings also the name of a hockey team! The shocking truth!

-Castle Baron or Baron Castle?: Teen Survey

-Multi-use helmets and casual armor: What's in and what's out

-Is your boyfriend right for you? The quick way to find out by testing his sword

The sky is afire with the promise of a new day to come. El fin... for now.....

Previous notice brought to you by StarWinger!