Final Fantasy 4 Redemption Prologue - Kain: A Midnight Visit

     It was pitch black in the city of Mysidia. The night had covered the whole city with it's veil, and no one dared go out into it. For the night had friends in other places, and no one really wanted to meed a shade or a spectre face to face.
     However, the city streets were not completely deserted.
     Morrigan scowled at herself. How could I have been so careless?, she thought. The Fire Fiend warned me about their defenses; but what he told me was nothing compared to the real thing.
     Morrigan once again scowled, this time at the bundle in her arms. She reached over and pushed a loose lock of her long red hair back into position.
     Why is this job so important?, she asked herself. Master Darkheart ordered me to do it; said our future was riding on my performing this task. Why?
     Still grumbling to herself, she moved on into the darkness.
     A short distance from the village of Mysidia, there was an area that was completely barren. It was as if the dragon god himself had wreaked bloody vengeance on the entire area. There was literally nothing left alive.
     Morrigan crept slowly into the clearing, her green eyes flashing in anticipation of completing her mission. For this was the final order she had received.
     Walking into the middle of the clearing, Morrigan dropped the bundle she had been carrying. Then she unwrapped it.
     It was a girl less than a year old. Her face was rimmed with a lock of beautiful silvery hair that seemed to shine in the moonlight, and her face just beamed. Her eyes shone with the light of innocence and purity; and Morrigan's skin crawled. She remembered meeting a man with the same light in his eyes, and the memory wasn't one of her fondest.
     But still, Morrigan never understood what the big threat was. Master Darkheart was one of the strongest men she had ever known; why was he afraid of this young girl? It wasn't like she was really dangerous or anything. But Master Darkheart must have known what he was doing.
     The infant smiled, not knowing that her life was about to be prematurely ended.
     "That's it, then. The task is done," Morrigan stated, more to herself than to the child. Then she rose to leave the clearing.
     It wasn't until she reached the edge of the clearning that she heard the sound. She spun around, more on instinct than anything, and saw the object of the noise.
     The infant was bawling her eyes out.
     "Well, it's not my problem," Morrigan once again said to herself. "My orders were to drop her off here, and leave her here to die."
     But still, something was bothering her. She couldn't help but think that there was something wrong with doing this. She turned around and looked at the girl again.
     And realized she wasn't crying anymore. Curious, Morrigan decided to observe the scene without being seen, lest she cause the girl to start crying again. I have to know; what out here would maker her stop crying?
     Hiding in the bushes nearby, Morrigan looked upon the abandoned child...and saw something that made her rub her eyes in wonder.
     There were wolves there...but rather than killing the child, like even Master Darkheart figured, they just observed her, then walked away. Some even licked the girl on her face...
     And the girl was smiling.
     My God... I wonder if even Master Darkheart expected this..., Morrigan thought to herself. This girl is most definitely not normal...
     The question is, what will happen if I do leave her here? Master Darkheart will be momentarily pleased; but it isn't likely to last very long. And I've never seen anything like this before...
     Should I save her?
     Wondering about the correct path to take, Morrigan looked again. She saw the same scene as before; nothing had changed.
     Then Morrigan noticed the girl was looking straight at her. Help me, her eyes screamed at Morrigan. Don't leave me here!
     Morrigan felt a sharp pain in her heart. And as she felt this pain, Morrigan realized something: she actually CARED about this girl.
     At that moment, Morrigan came to a very important decision: she knew she couldn't just leave this girl.
     Quickly standing up, she walked back out into the clearing. The wolves, clearly startled, ran back into the woods. Ignoring them, she picked up the infant and headed back into Mysidia.
     Kain couldn't sleep again.
     His nights were filled with dark dreams, dreams of the Dark Lunar Zemus. Kain heard the whisper of rewards that could be his and punishments he would recieve if he didn't follow Zemus' orders.
     And as always, he woke up drenched in sweat, the dream lurking on the edge of his consciousness, threatening to break in and destroy his sanity.
     This is embarrassing. I've faced men and monsters, demons and dragons, imps and ifreets and even the Spirit of Hatred! Why am I so afraid of a dream?
     I wish Morrigan were here. Her presence is enough to stave off the dream's advances.
     And at that very moment, Kain heard a knocking on his door.
     I wonder who would be visiting me at this time of night, Kain wondered, as he unbolted and opened his door.
     Morrigan stood in the doorway, her red hair shining in the candlelight. To Kain she looked like an angel.
     "Kain...I...," Morrigan started to say, but at that moment her energy reserves ran out and she collapsed on the floor.
     And it was then that Kain noticed the baby in her arms.
     "Morrigan, wake up!"
     Morrigan opened her eyes, only to see Kain's face hanging over her. He smiled as he noticed she was awake.
     "Are you all right?" Kain asked.
     "I think so," Morrigan answered; but then she realized something was amiss.
     "Kain, where's your helmet?"
     Kain looked surprised at her even asking. "You don't really think I sleep with that thing on, do you?"
     An image of Kain trying to sleep with that giant Dragoon helmet on his head popped into Morrigan's mind, and she started laughing.
     It was at that moment that Kain knew everything was going to turn out all right.
     Morrigan's eyes snapped open, and she began to scan the room. She saw Kain in the corner, and the girl asleep in his arms. Good, he's asleep. I'm sorry, Kain; but I must return to Master Darkheart.
     Morrigan got up and began to walk towards the door; but then an idea came to her. Walking over to Kain's writing desk, she took a piece of paper and a quill pen and began to write.
     And when she was done, she walked to the front door, opened it, and disappeared into the night.
     Kain woke up the next morning, and was surprised to find a child in his arms. Confusion reigned over his mind for a few minutes, then he remembered the events of the previous night.
     I'd better check on Morrigan, he decided, and got up slowly. Putting the girl onto his bed, Kain then walked over to the spot Morrigan occupied earlier that night.
     But she was gone. Kain's heart dropped into his feet.
     She must have slipped out last night. Oh, Morrigan...
     Sitting down at his desk to calm himself, Kain noticed the note. Picking it up to check it out, he began to read it.

Dear Kain,

The last few weeks have been the greatest of my life. I'm glad I had this chance to get to know you. However, life isn't always fair, and sometimes you have to do things you're not proud of. I only hope that we will meet again in the future.
Please take care of that girl for me. Her name is Krossea.
And I wish you both happiness and good luck with the rest of your lives. Stay well for me, for one day I will see you again.



     That was the final blow; Kain put his head in his hands and began to cry.