Authors note: this story was written using the names of things from the Final Fantasy IV Rom translation except where I thought that the names from the U.S. version sounded better. The Crystal sword, for instance, is named the Ragnarok sword and the Nuke spell is called Flare in keeping with the original names. However, I still refer to the ship from the moon as the Big Whale though because I think it sounds cooler than the Magical Ship. Why did I do this, because I wrote the story and could do whatever I want. Also I have increased the sizeof the world of towns and their populations when the story calls for any numbers for those. I didn’t think that a world populated with only a few dozen people per town made any sense so I just assumed that there are many people in the game which are just never seen. Instead of a few dozen I assume most of the towns contain at least a few thousand people. I also tried to create reasonable travel times between places, so that the world would seem to be normal sized. Lastly be warned that there is some mild language and violent battles in this fan fic.

The Dark Elf War

Chapter One


On the continent of Mysidia there was a man making his way down a steep mountain path. This mountain had been his home for almost three years and he was still not ready to leave. He wondered if he ever would be. No matter how hard he tried doubts still assailed him. He was tired of living like this, but he couldn’t go home, not yet.

It was about this time that he heard some people coming up the mountain trail. He stood to greet them. A wagon pulled by a chocobo pulled around the corner and came to a stop when the driver noticed him. The driver looked almost sixty and had grey hair, next to him sat a woman of about twenty or twenty five, she had red hair in a braid and was tall for a woman, probably about six feet though Kain couldn’t tell for sure since she was sitting.

“Hello there stranger, my names Duncan and this here is my guard Ryanna, may I ask your name” the driver said.

“Names Kain,” was all that he replied.

“Oh, silent one are you, well I can’t say I blame you. Only the wind to talk to most of the time I imagine,” replied Duncan.

“What brings to this mountain sir,” Kain asked?

“Huh, well I ain’t no sir but I am a historian of sorts we came her to study the ruins would you happen to know where to find them.” Duncan asked?

“Yeah I’ll lead you to them.” Kain replied.

“Thanks a heap…um what did you say your name was again,” Duncan said.

“Kain,” Kain repeated. Kain couldn’t help himself, he liked this guy, the woman on the other hand, he couldn’t quite place it but there was something different about her. He couldn’t place it but something was definitely not normal…ah it’s probably nothing. Kain chastised himself, first people you’ve talked to in almost six months and you automatically start making up trouble.

He led them over the western pass to the area where the ruins were located. After about two hours they finally made it there.

“Well I sure thank you for helping us find the ruins. As soon as we unpack we are going to eat would you like to join us?” Duncan said.

“I appreciate the offer but no, I can care for myself,” Kain replied.

“Well alright, you sure,” Duncan asked.

“Yes quite sure, I’ve been living on this mountain for almost three years now, I’ll do alright,” Kain said.

“Well in that case is there any advice you could give us about this mountain,” Duncan asked?

Well the worst danger here aside from falling off a cliff is the undead monsters that roam around here, thought there aren’t many any more. However, I’ve noticed that for some reason they never enter the ruins so you should be safe around here,” Kain offered.

“Fascinating,” Duncan thought allowed, “you said the undead never enter the ruins.”

“Not that I’ve ever seen,” Kain said, “Why?”

“Oh nothing I’m sure of, tell me do you have any thought as to who built these ruins,” asked Duncan?

Kain smiled and shook his head, “I’m no scholar sir, I’m just a soldier, but I have seen some interesting writings in a language I’ve never seen on the building over there if that helps.”

“Could you show them to me,” Duncan asked?

Kain lead Duncan of to the building he was pointing to, and soon Duncan was absorbed into trying to decipher the strange marking on the wall. Kain wandered back to the camp where Ryanna was cleaning a wicked looking sword of a design Kain had never seen before. Something about the sword made him make a double take, I must have been mistaken he thought to himself but for a seconded he was sure that sword was burning. Perhaps she got the weapon from the dwarves, they made such weapons, but that was certainly was not a dwarf weapon. It was far to large, in fact Kain wondered how such a small woman could lift the sword at all.

Suddenly the woman looked up at him, “I’m Ryanna, your Kain right.”

“Yep,” Kain said, “Can I ask you a question?”

“Yeah,” Ryanna replied.

“Where did you get that sword,” asked Kain?

“Oh, it’s a special two handed sword that only my people use,” Ryanna said.

“And your people are?” Kain asked.

Ryanna started to speak and then caught herself, instead she asked, “would you like to try it.”

Kain lifted it and was surprised to find that it was almost as light as a short sword and balanced well. “A fine piece of craftsmanship,” he said handing it back. Though secretly he wondered how easily it would break in a battle. He suddenly had that feeling about her wash over him again. There was something not right about her. He quickly took his leave of her but told her to let Duncan know that he promised he would check in on them from time to time.

Yang was lying on the bed with his wife Ayan, though they were both well over fifty years old but still he found his wife beautiful. They seldom got moments like this one to be alone what with Yang ruling a country and having to train new recruits. Finally about three months before he trained the last batch of karate masters, their army was now bigger than it had been before the war and he was enjoying some free time. Some people thought it was foolish to have such a large army when there was no chance of war. There was peace between every country ever since the end of the crystal war, but the mastery of karate was about more than just fighting and besides just because no one thought there would be another war didn’t mean there wouldn’t be one. Suddenly a knock came at the door to their room.

“Who is it?” Yang asked in an annoyed tone.

One of his advisors named Sing opened the door, “Your majesty one of the karate masters has retuned from training on Mt. Hobbs…he wishes to speak with you.

“Returned… they aren’t supposed to be back for two more weeks,” Yang wondered as he sat up. That was when he noticed Sing’s face was unusually pale. “What’s wrong?” Yang asked suddenly becoming concerned.

“The karate master is…badly hurt…he may not live the night. He says that the entire squad was killed by…something,” Sing finally said.

Yang was shocked, an entire squad, one hundred soldiers, dead. He got up he knew that his worst fears were coming true, another war, but with whom…who would attack us. The only other kingdom close to Mt. Hobbs was Damcyan and they would not attack us they had just finished rebuilding the castle Damcyan a month ago and besides King Edward was his friend and would not have done such a thing. He had many questions on his mind by the time he got to the infirmary.

Yang did not need to ask them thought the first words out of karate master Fang’s mouth when he saw Yang was, “they weren’t human.”

“They were monsters then, but where did they come from?” Yang asked.

“NO!!” Fang said grabbing Yang’s arm “they weren’t monsters they…looked human but they had pointed ears like…like elves.”

“Your majesty he is obviously hallucinating,” one of the doctors said.

Yang didn’t respond. Most people thought elves and dark elves were pure myth, a legend only. He knew different he had been with Cecil when they fought the dark elf in the cave north of Troia. If they really were attacked by dark elves on the mountain there could be serious problems for Fabul. He called for the guards and ordered them to get another squad of soldiers ready He would lead them to Mt. Hobbs to investigate what happened to the other squad.

Cecil sat on the edge of a window in the library staring out at the city of Baron. Rosa came to his side and gave him a hug from behind.

“You’re thinking of Kain again aren’t you?” Rosa queried.

“Is it that obvious?” Cecil asked giving his wife a tired smile. “You know it will be three years his been gone in just about three months, is he even alive.”

Rosa looked horrified at the thought, “of course he’s alive.”

“He was my best friend growing up. I’d just like to see him again.” Cecil said.

“I miss him to, I hope he’s still safe,” Rosa said.

“Damn,” thought Kain as he sat huddled by the fire he had built. The morning air was quite cold on Mt. Ordeals as Kain had well learned in the last couple of years.

“Damn, Damn, Damn,” he swore again, “why did I promise to check in on them, it’s not like they’re my concern…I’ve got my own problems and anyway how could I help them, but I did promise and I’m not about to break a promise,” Kain said to himself. “I’ve broken to many promises already,” Kain thought. His thoughts drifted back to Ryanna. “Who is she, and why was she so secretive about her past.” “Why I’m I so curious all of the sudden?” Kain thought out loud, “so what if she had secrets…I have them too, It’s not like I would tell them about my past either.” With that Kain decided that since he had nothing better to do he would go check on them this morning.

“Your highness, it really is time you got married.”

“I think you may have forgotten just which one of us is the king…Chamberlain,” the king said with more than a little annoyance.

“No, No the chamberlain replied, I just think that your highness needs to be thinking about an heir is all meant to say,” the Chamberlain began to back step.

“Well, said Edge, I don’t want to think about it and you can’t make me.” 

“Please your highness, why are you being so childish.” 

“Because I want to,” Edge replied.

“Your highness, I have not seen you act in such a way months. I thought you might finally be taking your kingship seriously but evidently…”

“Look, I do take it seriously but what does that have to do with getting married” Edge cut in.

“It is for the good of the people that you must do this. You need an heir just as you parents did. Just think what would have happened to the kingdom three years ago when your parents die…” the Chamberlain trailed off realizing that the topic was still painful to Edge, “sorry your majesty.”

“It’s alright chamberlain,” Edge looked out the window and thought a moment, “My parents, did they love each other.”

“At first, no, they married because of their position. Your mother was originally from Troia, a daughter of one of the eight clerics I believe. Eventually they learned to love one another, and they both loved you very much.

“Didn’t it bother them, marrying someone they didn’t know?” Edge asked. 

“Probably, but the point is they did what was required of them, just as you should. You know a king has certain responsibilities…”

“I know, I know but can’t I at least wait and see if….Uh…well…I mean,” Edge trailed off.

“Look I know this is hard but you have certain responsibilities as a king,” the Chamberlain said.

 “I know but…” Edge began

 “But nothing,” said the Chamberlain, “you need a wife to produce an heir and that’s that.”

“Okay, your right as usual,” Edge relented having nothing left to

“If you wish I can help you find a suitable match,” the Chamberlain said

“How” Edge asked?

I can compile a list of marriageable age from different countries and then allow you to choose from among them. Continued the chamberlain

“I guess that sound like a good idea,” said Edge who was still unsure of how the Chamberlain had talked him into this.

“Excellent your highness I will begin at once,” said the Chamberlain.

He left Edge there to sulk. He didn’t like the idea of marriage one bit, though he couldn’t figure out why. It couldn’t be Rydia could it he thought. It had been six months since he had seen her. They had fought, as usual, the last time he saw her. Somehow he always managed to annoy her. Edge had always had his way with women it was even easier now that he was king, but those women only wanted him because of his title, and now he was going to marry one of those women, a woman who only cares about me because I am king.

Several days later Yang led his fighters up the slope of mount Hobbs looking for any sign of trouble. Then they saw it, the bodies of the men from the other squad. They had been strewn about the summit of mount Hobbs like so many rag dolls. Yang could not believe his eyes and thought he had seen many a battle in his day he had to resist the urge to throw up. Never in his life had he seen anything like this. They hadn’t just been killed it was the way they were killed. Throats had been ripped out…or maybe bitten out he couldn’t tell, many of the men were dismembered in various ways and their armor had been tore through like it was made of paper. Then he noticed a sword half covered by a body on the ground.

“None of our men fight with swords it must belong the enemy,” Yang thought.

It was made in a fashion that Yang had never seen before. It was a long two handed weapon and looked as if it would have been slightly forward swept almost like a scythe, and was marked with strange runes.

Yang ordered one of his men to come over to him, “I want you to collect this sword so we can have a weapons expert identify the origin when we return.”

After several hours of searching no one found any more clues as to who the attackers were. Yang was about to order a return march when suddenly the entire sky was filled with arrows. One nearly hit Yang but he parried it with his claw.

“Over the hill, get over the hill,” Yang ordered his squad over the hill that the arrows had come from. Evidently this was a move the attackers had not expected. They quickly dropped their bows and picked up swords that looked much like the one Yang had found. Yang and the karate masters of Fabul quickly had the attackers surrounded and cut them to shreds with their claws.

Yang grabbed one of the dying enemies, as he lifted him of the ground the hood that covered the enemy’s head fell off to reveal a man with upswept eyebrows and pointed ears. “You are an elf?!!” Yang asked in wonderment, he had only met one elf in his life when he was with Cecil.

“Elf ha,” the man showed disgust at the name, “we are not weak like the elves hiding in their forests, we are the Mordihel…you would do well to remember that name for soon we shall rule over your kind.”

“Mordihel?” Yang asked.

“In your tongue you have called us Dark Elves, but you are wrong. Humanity is a blight on this world and our brothers the Elves are even worse for agreeing not destroying you when they had the chance.” Again disgust showed on his face at the mention of Elves.

“I have fought your kind before and I will kill all of you just like any who threaten this planet.” Yang said angrily.

The Mordihel raised an eyebrow at this, “fought…one of us? You must be a friend of half Lunarian…bastard. You are foolish to think you can contend with us. The Mordell you killed was an outcast from us not even pure blood…using human magic…it was disgusting, he sought the crystal because he thought that it would give him a place among us. We are…stronger than you think and there are more of us than…you know.” It was obvious he was growing weak from blood loss

“Why do you tell me all of this?” Yang asked.

The Mordihel smiled, “because…you…will…not leave here…alive, we…will…make…sure…of that” With his last breath he let out a whistle.

Suddenly there were hundreds of the Mordihel all over the summit, as if they had come out of the very rocks themselves. Yang’s men were outnumbered at least three to one. “Retreat!!!” Yang yelled but the sound of his voice was lost amidst the sounds of his men being killed. He ran forward to the battle. The first Mordihel brought his sword in a swing toward Yang’s head, but before it could connect Yang had gutted him with one of his claws. He tuned to attack another and then another and another. He killed at least a dozen trying to fight his way down to the pass towards Fabul, but they just kept coming. Another Mordihel stepped in his path. Yang parried a blow with one claw and tried to return the blow his other hand but the Mordihel drew a dagger and drove it into Yang’s stomach. Then the Mordihel’s sword cut a gash across Yang’s chest. “Damn,” Yang said as he fell to the ground. Yang’s last thought before he passed out was of his wife.

Kain had been to see Duncan and Ryanna almost every day since they had been their. He hadn’t realized how bored he had been until they had been there. He mostly just hung around with Duncan talking about things. He had learned that Duncan was a scholar from Troia, and came to learn about the civilization that built the ruins on this mountain. Ryanna was strangely quiet most of the time, Kain still got a strange feeling when he looked at her, the feeling was familiar to somehow though. He managed to pull away from his thought as he was coming over the ridge where the ruins were and was shocked to find them packing up to leave.

“Hello Kain,” Duncan said, “I was hoping you would drop by before we left.”

“Why are you leaving?” Kain asked, “You were planning to stay for two months.

“Hmm, well…I found something and I need to confer with the elder in Mysidia, you should come with us I could use the company” Duncan said.

“What about Ryanna,” Kain asked.

“Oh she’s good in a fight but not much of a conversationalist.” Duncan said.

Kain smiled at that, most would say the exact same thing about him, “thanks for the offer but my time on this mountain has not been finished yet perhaps you will return.”

“Umm…perhaps. Well bye Kain,” he said as he jumped on the wagon and it slowly rolled down the trail.

It wasn’t until after Duncan had left that Kain realized that something had been wrong with Duncan, he was…nervous, but about what. Then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Something was sticking out of the door of one of the ruins. Kain walked over to it and found four dead bodies in the ruin. They were each holding long swords that curved forward slightly and were dressed as assassins. The hood of one man was off and that was when Kain noticed the backswept ears that came up to a point. “What was he?” Kain thought. There was something that triggered in his mind, a thought he couldn’t quite locate. Where had he heard of people with pointed ears? All at once he remembered stories he heard as a child. Elves, a race that was older than humans and their cousins the Dark Elves. But those were just children’s stories weren’t they? “It doesn’t matter at the moment thought. Duncan obviously left because of danger. That was why he asked me to come with him. I promised to protect them need to catch up to them.

Kain leapt down the side of the mountain landing on small overhangs, following a path most people could not. He had to catch up with the wagon. He finally saw down on the trail below. It was surrounded by at least a dozen men, all of them like the ones he saw dead in the ruins. Kain jumped down closer, but before he could get there one of the men walked forward and drove his sword through Duncan.

“NO!!” Kain heard Ryanna cry.

Ryanna jumped of the side of the wagon and drew her sword. The soldiers rushed her with swords drawn. She easily ducked under the swords and rolled past them. Turning she drove her sword through the back of the one closest to her. She parried another blow and then while the other had over extended himself she stepped in and took his head off with a single blow. There were to many of them thought and they were pushing her back towards a cliff. She probably was to intent of fighting to even know it was there by the time she would notice it would be to late. Kain then decided to make and appearance. He Jumped down and drove his spear through the nearest of the guards. He turned and swung his spear wide cutting the chest of another open. The rest tuned to face their new attacker. But, Kain had fought worse enemies than these, he wasn’t about to lose. He swung at another he tried to parry but the force of the spear caused him to loose his footing and he tripped and fell over the cliff. A and then one of the soldiers got past Kain’s guard only to find that his sword did not even dent Kain’s armor. He did not even have time to register surprise before Kain ended his life. Within minutes Kain and Ryanna had dispatched the rest of them.

Ryanna was the first to speak, “Thanks for the help; you’re pretty good with that spear.”

“I’m just sorry I didn’t get here sooner.” Kain said.

Suddenly Ryanna’s face went white, “Duncan!”

They ran to over to him to see what they could do but the wound was beyond any healing.

“They…found…us I guess,” Duncan managed weakly. He had already lost a lot of blood.

“You should save your strength,” Ryanna advised.

“It…doesn’t matter; Asura herself couldn’t help me now. Listen…those tablets I found…get them to…Mysidia. The Elder…will know…know how to read them…I think. Hurry…there will…be others…” With that Duncan breathed his last.

Kain felt wetness on his face and realized he was crying; he couldn’t remember crying since he was little, since his father had been killed. He hadn’t realized how much he cared Duncan; he was the first friend he had had for almost three years. “Pull yourself together; you don’t have time for this, there are things to do,” Kain told himself. He replaced the look of sadness on his face with one of determination. “Get the tablets Ryanna, we need to get out of here,” Kain said.

“NO! We need to bury him” Ryanna looked defiant. “We can’t just leave him like this.

“We don’t have time, he said others would be here soon and since you’ve already been attacked twice in the last two day that’s a good bet. Besides we’re on a mountain, where would we bury him in the rock?” Kain said.

“Your right I know…It’s just…he was my friend,” Ryanna looked at Duncan’s body.

“He was my friend to, but if we don’t get those tablets to Mysidia his death will be for nothing.” Kain said.

Ryanna walked over to the wagon and fished out a bag. “I don’t know what’s in these but Duncan was willing to die for them…so I’m willing to fight to protect them.”

Kain eyed the chocobos tied to the wagon. “We should unhook them and ride; it will cut days off our journey.”

“Good Idea,” Ryanna said. “If we ride hard we could make Mysidia in four or five days.

Within minutes Kain and Ryanna had set out leaving the wagon and thirteen dead bodies on the road behind them.