Journey to the Center of the Blue Planet

The ship began to shake violently. A whirlpool formed just ahead of them. All the sailors knew what it meant. Leviathan, the master of the oceans, had emerged. Water was sprayed everywhere on the deck. As the boat tried to resist the waves and the pull of the current, the sailors became more frightened.

"Captain! What should we do?"

"Help!" A voice cried from above.

"No. Leviathan!"

Cecil and his troop tried to remain calm and stick to their destination. Edward, the prince of Damcyan, hid behind some crates, hoping for some shelter from the beat of waves. Yang stared straight ahead, concentrating on the beast that swam several yards from him. Cecil was terrified, but dared not let Rydia know. Why do I feel so helpless? he continued to ask himself. Can't we do something?

Rydia stood staring over the edge of the boat. She felt some connection to this beast in the water, but she wasn't sure how she knew him.

He's a monster, but could he be summoned? Could Golbez have done this?

The ship was suddenly hit by Leviathan's tail. The strike took and Rydia fell over the edge. Cecil jumped at her hearing her voice.

"Help!" she screamed.

The next thing she knew, Yang was in the water, swimming after her. Rydia was being sucked under by Leviathan. He disappeared under the water, taking Rydia down with him. Yang's eyes grew large at the spectacle before him. No.Rydia has been swallowed by Leviathan! Lord help us all.

The boat was torn to pieces as Yang lost consciousness.

Rydia was still screaming for help. She knew what had happened, but refused to believe it. What was a pleasant and purposeful journey to Baron turned into a nightmare she could never have imagined. Rydia gave up screaming, for she knew that she was not heard and Yang had given up. She began to sob as the darkness filled her vision.


"A human girl. Very interesting. She's the first one to ever visit this place."

"It's quite a surprise. I didn't even know I took her."

Rydia's consciousness began to awake. She remembered something awful happened, but decided it was a dream. A nightmare. She trusted Cecil's protection, and he failed her. Not even her friends could stop the disaster. Golbez must be responsible for that attack.

"She'll be frightened when she wakes. What then?" a feminine voice asked.

"We'll have to explain what happened to her and why. What I want to know is how a Caller of Mist survived the blaze, a child, and how she ended up on a boat," a male voice queried.

I hear two voices. they're talking about me! Who is it?

Rydia began to rouse from her slumber. She found herself in a bed, attended by a pair of Imps, robed and hooded, and an old man standing at the foot of the bed. Beside him, a tall and beautiful woman, with a dignified air about her. The room was not very well lit. An imp rubbed a wet cloth over her head. Rydia jumped at seeing the action.

"Agh! What's going on? Where am I? Where's Cecil? Edward? Yang!" she demanded.

The imp leapt backwards, also startled at her awakening. The old man ventured forward, speaking with a voice that had been used for ages.

"I am Leviathan, King of Monsters of the Underworld. Welcome to my kingdom."

Monsters. kingdom?

The tall woman stepped by Leviathan's side. "And I am Queen Asura. Welcome, Rydia."

Rydia stared at her in amazement. "How do you know me?"

Asura smiled warmly. "I have word from other monsters of a fire at Mist. A child was the only survivor, and her name is Rydia. We have assumed that you are she." Her voice was very calm, and pleasant to the ear. Rydia felt at home while listening to Asura's explanation. "Please tell us what happened. You are the first human to visit our home."

Rydia sat up straight in her bed, trying to calm herself and remember the details. She started in a shaky voice. "I . was saved by a man named Cecil from the kingdom of Baron."


Leviathan closed his large book. "That's the end of the lesson today, Rydia. You've done quite well for starting your training last Tuesday."

Rydia stood from her seat, her green hair getting in her eyes as she rose.

"Thank you, Leviathan." She smiled brightly.

Leviathan slowly moved toward her and placed something in Rydia's palm.

"This is something that you should have before your battle. Your mother would want you to have it." He walked away and returned to his table.

Rydia opened her palm. A small stone was there, with an odd symbol on it. It looked like a backwards "R", in red.

"What is this?" Rydia asked, curiosity showing.

"That, dear Rydia, is Magicite. Squeeze it in your hand and you will be able to call the monster to which it is connected."

Rydia gave the stone a good squeeze. It flashed brilliantly in her hand and then the light faded. When she opened her hand, the stone was gone. Her hand tingled slightly.

"Wha.what happened?"

"Rydia, that stone is now a part of you. You have but to summon the power of the Mist Dragon, and it will be at your beck and call." Leviathan was very dramatic in explaining it, as though he rehearsed for centuries to tell someone. "Those stones will prove to be your ally. When you passed the summoned monster's test, they will give a similar stone to you. Now, I have arranged for you to practice with Jinn today. This spell of Mist will be useful in the battle. That will be all for today."

Rydia took the cue, and a small volume of black magic, and left the training room. She knew the way to Jinn's place. She walked slowly, savoring the moments to his door.

Only a week has passed since I left Cecil. I hope he's okay. Maybe someday, I'll have to help him again. I hope I see him again. He was so devoted to protecting me.

Rydia sighed. Asura and Leviathan had been very kind to her since she arrived, but something was missing. Humans.

Humans had not set foot on the ground of the Summoned Monsters until that day. Rydia was very frightened upon learning that monsters were everywhere in the cavern, and she had no protection against their dangers. Only after Asura patiently explained for an hour that they will not harm her did she finally calm down. Too much had happened all at once. The battle at Fabul. Rosa's kidnapping. the betrayal of Cecil's friend . the accident at sea . Then being swallowed by the King of Monsters, of all things. . It was not a good day for her.

Then she thought of the look of surprise on Yang's face when it happened. He never looked so helpless to stop it. At least, not to her knowledge. And poor Edward. He was shaking terribly moments before it happened. Was it a warning of some kind? On top of losing Anna and his home, he was bruised and battered. The attack was not something he needed. I wonder what became of him? she pondered.

But Rydia held no malice to Leviathan for it. He informed her that someone from the above world had summoned him at the precise moment the boat left Fabul. There was only one person she knew who would do such a thing.

Golbez. If anyone's responsible for the fire, it's gotta be him. She was suddenly filled with rage. Her pace to Jinn's chamber quickened.

Rydia had been in the Monster's cavern for just over a week. She had noticed that time moves faster there and that she was growing up very quickly. I was forced to grow up quickly the day that Mist burned.She had grown two feet and eight inches in just a matter of days. Her hair grew faster than she could cut it, and her breasts began to show. If Cecil could see me now, he would be so proud. Thoughts of seeing him again filled her with joy and resolve to face whatever Leviathan arranged for her. I'm a big girl now!

But with age came a price. There is always a price. Rydia's white magic was fading. By day four, Cure was no longer there. But losing the white magic gave more room to learn the black magic, which Callers are expected to know. Her little volume of black magics had been useful in perfecting the skill. Within the week, she had learned Virus, Psych and Drain. She had seen Tellah use Psych before but never imagined that she would use it herself, someday soon. Ah, Tellah.poor old man.She allowed a moment for a twinge of disappointment that he left the group in such a rage. He might have been helpful at Fabul. Heaven knows we could have used it.� We might have won.

She had reached Jinn's chambers. She didn't even notice that she had nearly passed it, she was so wrapped up in her thoughts. She took a deep breath. Here goes nothing, she thought. She'd said the same sentence to herself when she cast Fire at Mount Hobbs.

But that was ages ago. Time to let go of the past. Live, for Cecil! She entered the chambers, and met Jinn, the spirit of Fire.

*** "Sire! Sire!"

A voice shouted from down the hall, interrupting Rydia's lesson. Leviathan peered over the large tome that stood on his podium, to see an angel-like creature running to his study. Leviathan stood, eyes wide with apprehension.

"What is the shouting about?" Leviathan ordered.

The angel rushed in, breathless. "Sire.there's..a battle by.the Dwarf.. Castle. flying boats."

Rydia stood, very interested. "Flying boats?" I saw them at Fabul.

The angel continued. "Explosions everywhere.and.something about .Gol.. Golbez.."

He had Rydia's attention now. "Golbez?! He's here?!" She didn't realize she was shouting. Her mind raced with anger and readiness to fight.

"Yes. He's taken. two of the Underground. crystals. Another boat.was caught in. the fray..They've landed .near the castle." The angel struggled to catch his breath.

Leviathan's face was suddenly darkened with worry. He silently pulled out a crystal ball and set it on a pedestal. He chanted some odd words of tongue, long forgotten by humans. After passing a hand over the ball, it gave off a light green glow. "Show me the humans at the Castle," Leviathan said.

The ball shimmered and then glittered. An image came through. Rydia stepped forward for closer inspection. What will he see? Will I be able to see it?

The image showed five people. Two she recognized as Rosa and Yang. "They're here!" Rydia shouted with glee. "Those are my friends from the upper world. I must go to them!" Leviathan looked upon Rydia with tired and worried eyes.

"Then go help them. They need you. But come back to us soon. We've still a lot to finish with your lessons." Leviathan was rather hesitant to let her go.

Rydia collected her belongings; her whip and her robe. She, at once, set off to get to Cecil.

"Rydia, wait." Leviathan spat out.

She turned to look at him. He spoke again. "Get my Dark Chocobo to fly you over the magma. And take this." He handed a small bottle, filled with pink liquid. "It's a Super Heal Potion. My globe indicates that your friends will be in trouble and you'll need this to save them. Good luck to you, Rydia." She took the bottle and smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Leviathan. I couldn't have been ready to help them again without you." With that, she rushed out the door and up the steps to the exit tile. With a step on the secret exit, she found herself outside the cavern. A Dark Chocobo was standing nearby, waiting for her. He would take her to the Dwarven Castle, where Cecil would be in sore need of her help. She prayed that she would not be too late.