Disclaimer: Cecil, Golbez and Rosa belong to SquareEnix. The black -cloaked men (or “The Eclipsed”) belong to me, as do the Lunarian twins.


Chapter 1: Bad News.

“Your Majesty! A message from the Innkeeper.”

Cecil looked up. The soldier in front took a deep breath and read from a sheet of paper in his hand. “The Big Whale has been returned to Baron. The three that were on board are in need of white mages.”

~There are no white mages.~ Cecil frowned. ~They were first to go when the Eclipsed attacked us. The few left are looking after the injured from the last attack. That means…~

“Cecil?” Rosa spoke up from her position beside him. “I’m the only white mage available, we have no choice.” Cecil knew Rosa was right. Nevertheless, he always worried about his wife when he wasn’t around to protect her, even though Rosa was capable of looking after herself.

“Why don’t we both go?” he suggested, smiling weakly at Rosa who, in turn shot him a knowing look. “That’s my Cecil,” she sighed.


The twins sat on the Inn’s bed. They had not spoken to anyone since landing on what “Mister Golbez” had called “Gaia”. Finally, CiMon spoke up.

“D’you think Mister Golbez will die, too?” he whimpered.

“If he does, it’s your fault for not using Cure properly.”

“I did, sis. It bounced right off of him.”

“Then yes, he’s gonna die!” snapped CeRa.

“Don’t you even care everyone’s dead? About mother or father?”

“No,” CeRa said quickly, turning away from her brother.

“You’re crying.”

“Am not!” came the tearful reply. CiMon put his arm around his sister and squeezed her bony shoulder. She buried her face into his stomach and rested her head in his lap.

“I know when you’re upset, sis.”

“ It’s ‘cause we’re twins…It‘s called tele-pe-pathy or something.”

“I wish mother and father were here…”

“Me too…”


Rosa and Cecil reached Baron’s Inn only five minutes after leaving the castle, and were greeted by a distressed innkeeper “King Cecil? Queen Rosa?” cried the red-faced woman, surprised.

“Where are the injured?” Cecil interrupted. Rosa nudged him and whispered,

“be polite! You‘re the king!”

“May we take a look at the injured, please,” he corrected himself.

“Right this way, your Majesties,” breathed the Innkeeper, leading Cecil and Rosa into the first bedroom.

Two children sat on a bed, hugging each other tightly. From their identical hair, eyes and almost identical faces, Cecil guessed that they were twins. They eyed Rosa and himself suspiciously before the girl spoke up:

“Who’re you?” Cecil sat on the bed opposite them and said softly “I’m King Cecil and this is Queen Rosa. We’ve come to heal your wounds. Where are you injured?”

“We’re not!” the girl snapped. “Right, CiMon?”

“CeRa! Please excuse my sister. We’re only bruised, but we’re too tired to use magic…”

“You can use magic?“ Rosa asked, acting impressed. The female twin nodded proudly. Rosa pulled out two ethers from her cloak. “ Take these,” she said, handing a vial of the purple liquid to each twin. She smiled at the children, and turned to leave. Cecil, however turned back to the twins.

“Beg my pardon but, by any chance are you Lunarians?” he asked. CiMon nodded, drinking his ether.

“Do you know Golbez or FuSoYa?” he questioned hopefully. At FuSoYa’s name, CeRa sobbed into her ether. Wiping his mouth, CiMon spoke up. “We did know Mister FuSoYa, but he died. Men in black cloaks attacked our home. He protected us, but he was killed by one at the last minute…”

~Men in black cloaks? The Eclipsed attacked the Lunarians?~ Cecil realised, his heart sinking.

“W-what of Golbez?” Cecil stammered, starting to lose hope.

This time, CeRa spoke up. “ Mister Golbez might be dying. He rescued us from our home, but passed out before we got here. We couldn’t heal him. Our magic bounced right off of him.”

~That’s right! There were three passengers!~

“Did Golbez board the Big Whale with you.?”

Both twins nodded . ~I wonder if he‘s alright…~ “Where is he now?”

“The other room. Please don’t let him die!” CeRa pleaded.

“Thank you for your help. I’d best be going. Goodbye.” Cecil said, hurriedly rushing into the Inn’s hall, where Rosa was waiting.

“My brother was the other passenger!” he cried. Her eyes widened with horror, then returned to normal as she remembered that Golbez was no longer under Zemus‘ control.

“What of FuSoYa?” she asked. Cecil could barely bring himself to tell her, knowing how fond she was of the old man..

“The Eclipsed attacked the Lunarians. FuSoYa was killed.” Rosa sank to her knees, and sobbed. “I’m so sorry, Rosa.”

“I’m the one who should be sorry… he was your uncle…” she whispered through tears.

“I know, I know…”

“So, shouldn’t we check on Golbez?”




See? Non- violent chapter. There won’t be much violence for some time, I don‘t think. Please review.